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Community Rating: 4.353 / 5  (231 votes)
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Best titan, will see much constructed play. 5/5
Posted By: LTJZamboni (7/10/2010 7:41:17 AM)


must.... have... at least... ONE......

arguably the BEST titan in m11.
Posted By: Wratharrow (7/10/2010 9:49:49 PM)


This is an obscenely efficient attacker. It needs to be dealt with immediately or else it's game over; it can run over almost anything, and even if it gets killed there's still its zombie horde. Mana Leak is the best thing that's happened to anyone not playing this card. It's the most reliable, one-sided answer to this. Otherwise the board needs to get nuked.
Posted By: SleetFox (7/11/2010 1:11:41 PM)


I soo love this card, i was lucky enough to pull him twice in both my sealed event and won them both on him alone well with a little help for crystal ball to search for him lo...Hell one of my opponents conceded in top 8!! against me without even playing cause he didnt want to play against a deck that had one in it..I still dont see how the green titan is more than this one
Posted By: Blkmagic81 (7/13/2010 10:03:37 AM)


he is great. i like everything about this titan, however, he is being overshadowed by primeval titan big time.
Posted By: nineyears (7/14/2010 7:26:19 AM)


It reminds me of a Big Daddy.

When it etb or attacks, it makes Little Sisters.
Posted By: TheGodOfWar91 (7/20/2010 5:57:12 AM)


Don't get me wrong, great card, but Deathtouch? Why, he is already a 6,6 he should have had intimidate or something that isn't implied by the 6/6. 4/5
Posted By: drebhan (4/23/2011 4:06:57 PM)


Pulled one in a fat pack... works great with another pull, Serra Ascendant in a lifegain/vampire deck. While your vamps and spells rack up life (alongside Sorin and Ajani), this guy beats your opponent to a pulp and keeps giving you blockers.
Posted By: Jonnythekid107 (7/17/2010 5:32:32 AM)


Best Titan - I think - you can do silly things with Primeval Titan and Sun Titan generates ridiculous card advantage - but this guy is just nuts. A whole feast of craziness; wild zombie parties galore! Add deathtouch to the bargain and...wow, just wow.

Not powercreep, though, just a good strong creature. Creatures have obviously got a lot better, but previously they were very weak compared to non-creature spells, so that's ok. And this guy doesn't speed the game up any; in fact, his casting cost means that he slows things down, which is exactly what everybody wanted after the lightning-fast standard of the last couple years.
Posted By: cloneffect (7/18/2010 2:37:11 AM)


by far the best titan
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (7/18/2010 1:49:25 PM)


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