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They're not $125 a pop. They're ~$125 for FOUR. That's 31.25 a pop. They seem to be averaging around $30 right now. Be sure to check quantities on eBay. If anyone is selling a single one for $125, stay away from that auction. Better than Jace? I don't think so. Still, I think it's a great card with a lot of potential, especially given how popular Knight of the Reliquary is.

Interesting note. At the pre-release yesterday, I cracked a Sun Titan in my sealed deck and went 4-2, top 8. My brother cracked Grave Titan and Inferno Titan and used them both to go undefeated. Top 8 decided not to play so we split the packs evenly. Everyone got 10. I cracked an Inferno Titan and Frost Titan. He got another Grave Titan. Neither of us got a Primeval Titan and I didn't hear about anyone else getting one. Super Ultra rar... (see all)
Posted By: Michael_Bender (7/27/2010 2:16:25 PM)


Finally a card in standard that's more expensive than Vengevine
Posted By: WhiteyMcFly (8/10/2010 10:21:46 AM)


The best card in the Standard format at the moment. 'Nuff said!
Posted By: MagicNovice (8/23/2010 7:03:56 PM)


Exorbitantly overrated, but I'm not going to lie; this thing's a freakin' powerhouse.

Still, $27? Really?
Posted By: DonRoyale (7/8/2010 12:49:47 PM)


Ok, Wizards. We get it. Green finally has the power it deserves. You can stop now.
Posted By: TheGodOfWar91 (7/20/2010 6:03:52 AM)


It's usually hitting the table on turn four, it's the ultimate deck thinner and can create some absolutey sick six-turn drops. This is one of the best titans, right up there with the white and black ones.
Posted By: Laguz (7/8/2010 2:19:38 PM)


This card is so over rated, this card is like another abyssal prosecutor
Posted By: iammadmad (7/18/2010 7:07:54 PM)


Should have searched up basic lands, or just 1 land.

Or, you know, just never printed at all.

Did you pay any attention when you playtested this? Or was there any playtesting to begin with?
Posted By: NedjimbO_Goblin_Mage (2/12/2011 1:19:02 PM)


Good stuff...
Posted By: VirtueVsVice (7/8/2010 6:19:17 PM)


At six mana I usually want to be winning the game, not getting more mana (even if it unconditional selection of land). I would rather it produce tokens or something.
Posted By: Temple_Garden (7/8/2010 1:18:35 PM)


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