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Community Rating: 4.265 / 5  (226 votes)
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Ok so, I'll say what everyone is thinking, it wont go in 90% of decks.. because not that many decks are ramp/tons of mana decks. On other hand, when you do have those decks, it just explodes with awesome, and so its amazing for those in the same way cultivate is. It certainly makes eldrazi a whole lot scarier.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (7/18/2010 7:57:56 PM)


Llanowar elves + turn two Growth Spasm = Turn Three Primeval Titan = Epic win.
Posted By: Lunarblade (8/3/2010 10:26:20 AM)


They really need to bring back Ankh of Mishra
Posted By: blindley (8/5/2010 9:05:17 PM)


And people complain about Baneslayer being to overpowered. Yikes, this card is creeping up to $60. Pr$meval T$tan. Excuse me whilst I spend the rest of 2011 playing black green.
Posted By: lungsoftheocean (8/6/2010 1:29:25 PM)


Primeval Titan... goes so well with Lotus Cobra.

Currently brewing a GR Splinter Twin deck with a few creatures with ETB abilities that Splinter Twin can really abuse. But this little happening doesn't have anything to do with Splinter Twin:

Turn 1: Land
Turn 2: Land + Lotus Cobra
Turn 3: Land + Bloodbraid Elf cascading into Lotus Cobra
Turn 4: Fetchland, popped (4 mana from 2 cobras), tap 2 lands, Primeval Titan. Titan fetches 2 lands (4 mana from 2 cobras), tap remaining 2 lands, Inferno Titan.

2 titans on turn 4 is nothing to scoff at, and it's thanks to the sexy comboability of Primeval Titan and multiple Lotus Cobras. ^^
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (8/11/2010 9:46:12 AM)


I Want! "search your library for two land" not nonbasic finally, plus my Rampaging Baloth gets tons of little buddies to play with.
Posted By: PoisonHats (8/14/2010 6:11:22 AM)


Awesome flavor text!
Posted By: Troutz (8/14/2010 11:52:38 PM)


Why doesn't anyone mention Eldrazi decks? This guy is like the ultimate mana ramp. Or are Eldrazi decks so 3 months ago? If so, thank gods!
Posted By: Sironos (8/25/2010 5:20:08 PM)


The perfect Titan for Landfall decks. With 4 each of Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds, that's 16 landfalls in 4 turns.

Landfall decks had some good combos before, but if you add Primeval Titan to them... That can get nasty pretty fast.
Posted By: Diachronos (9/1/2010 11:52:25 AM)


Everyone talks about this guy with knight of the reliquary or garruk wildspeaker or...overwhelming stampede? Yet so many people forget about this guys best friend.Ob Nixilix, The Fallen. With the demon on the board, play the titan, get 2 fetch lands put 2 more lands on the board, did someone just lose 12 life while the demon became a 15/15? Attack for the win. Yay! Still all vulnerable to Path to Exile though
Posted By: Ashsummers (9/1/2010 2:48:25 PM)


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