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Hive Mind anyone? lol
Posted By: Guest2097890101 (7/17/2010 1:59:56 AM)


Wildfire is much better
Posted By: don_miguel (7/10/2010 9:59:17 AM)



May want to look at that again.
Unless you mean if your opponent casts this card,
In which case, yes, hilarity would ensue,
Since he obviously didn't see this card when you played it a turn ago.
Posted By: infernox10 (7/8/2010 11:52:13 PM)


Str8 Destruction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the art and colors are RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (4/30/2011 8:01:35 PM)


Posted By: DonRoyale (7/8/2010 12:10:24 PM)


The name and flavor text don't match up... There isn't anything in the name about a loud noise and then the flavor text seems to imply there is. Otherwise... 3/5
Posted By: roqbthepirate (7/9/2010 12:23:05 PM)


Turn 1, mountain, chump blocker
Turn 2, mountain, everflowing chalice with 1 charge counter
Turn 3, mountain, everflowing chalice with 2 charge counters
turn 4, mountain, chandra nalaar snipe creaure with biggest threat
turn 5, destructive force

you can also use chandra ablaze. Note the DEALS FIVE DAMAGE TO EACH CREATURE part. this was meant to be used as a massive stall technique, you can destroy lands and armies while having a bigger threat do the work. Works well with any ramp or planeswalker (cept maybe garruk wildspeaker)
Posted By: lo0k1tzsteve (7/11/2010 11:17:28 AM)


Wildfire seems better than this because of the more affordable manacost. Earth Servant seems pretty decent with this, since it survives pretty much anything, and can beat down your opponent in 5 turns alone. Play with Pyroclasms and perhaps some land destruction? but ah well, nobody likes to play against land destruction :C
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (7/11/2010 7:23:22 PM)


I think this is pretty good. Wildfire saw a lot of play back in its day, and this is very much in the same vein. Think of the synergy with Knight of the Reliquary, or, as was said before, any planeswalker. Plus, this is damaging enough to take down a Baneslayer or Sphinx of Jwar Isle, which seems important.
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (7/13/2010 11:42:34 AM)


@mdakw576 You don't even need the sejiri steppe with Knight of the Reliquary, state-based actions are only checked after Destructive Force has resolved so by then it'd have taken five damage but also be bigger by +5/+5 because of its static ability.
@dberry02 Really? Flame Wave is pretty terrible if you ask me, you'd much rather run Earthquake for that kind of an effect.

In today's standard this is much much better than Wildfire because it kills Baneslayer. You're going to be ramping to this every time you play it so it pretty much means your opponent won't have a single land left on the battlefield, and likely no creatures either. Having played Primal Titan the turn before is just a complete blowout, you could be at 6 lands after resolving Destructive Force and attacking with the Titan once.
Posted By: Exart (7/15/2010 5:04:21 AM)


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