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Community Rating: 1.282 / 5  (133 votes)
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Pretty bad, but I love the art.
Posted By: dudecow (7/8/2010 12:44:53 PM)


I would call this card obscenely overcosted if it were 4 CMC!!! But 5, FIVE CMC for a 2/5 with absolutely NO ABILITIES??? WHY ON EARTH (well, DOMINARIA, in this case) WOULD WIZARDS EVEN MAKE A CARD LIKE THIS??? IT IS POINTLESS!!! NO ONE with half a braIn is going to put this in their deck by choice! The only time this card will ever be used is in drafting tournaments. (And, even still, I would choose just about any other card over this one.)

I must say, though, the artwork is PHENOMENAL!!! It's a shame that it will never be seen.
Posted By: KnightLord77 (7/15/2010 12:25:31 PM)


this is the universal agreement of everyone ever:

thats an awesome, but unplayable crab. *Vorthosgasm*
Posted By: darkfury (12/4/2010 5:41:35 PM)


Useless crabs seem to be a blue staple in every recent set. What the eff.
Posted By: CJM2 (7/13/2010 6:25:25 AM)


I usually keep the cards I have recently bought inside a fatpack box. One day when I opened the box to look at my cards, I saw that one of the corners on one of them was very bent, probably from being rubbed against when the box cover was opened and closed repeatedly. Immediately my heart shuddered, since this is an awful thing to happen to a card as any Magic player can relate. When I looked at the card and saw that it was this one though, an immediate sigh of relief ran over me at the averted loss.
Posted By: MechaKraken (8/9/2010 1:10:18 AM)


I wouldn't be upset even if they just made him a 3/5... nope.

No love.
Posted By: Kirbster (11/10/2010 4:01:35 PM)


centurion: I beg to differ, 2 mana would be broken, a standard 2-drop is a grizzly-bear thing with some tiny powerup (war priest of thune, fledgling griffin, etc),and if they are monocolored and only need one of said colored mana, they should not have power or toughness above 2 without some kind of drawback.
Posted By: catowner (7/16/2010 2:44:11 PM)


I bet if it were 4 CMC it would be 2.5-3 stars easy despite still being under the curve. Blue likes big toughness and such for less. At 3CMC this would be a beast in the ranks of LeatherBack Baloth.. I'm not kidding! -2 power to get teh same thing in blue w ould be pretty fraggin good! Rare even!
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/1/2011 1:14:57 PM)


Comeooon, you cannot touch the story of dominaria's rift in a miserable core set.
Posted By: Dregrage (7/10/2010 4:05:07 AM)


it's a part of merchandise to make bad cards, it's a part of making profit, it's a part that annoys me...
Posted By: Imperialstonedragon (3/24/2011 1:35:54 PM)


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