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Community Rating: 4.065 / 5  (186 votes)
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demonic angel I dont see your point there is not a single card in m11 that coasts more then 30$s when they reprint a card its price goes down a lot so reprinting expensive cards is a good way to deal with there price.
Posted By: dragonking987 (8/20/2010 6:18:10 PM)


This is my favorite planeswalker. But then again I'm bias when it comes to green cards. I just love green. It's the best color. And Garruk is just awesome. The untap two lands is just sexy.
Posted By: dberry02 (9/17/2010 6:14:33 PM)


A great card, and very good in Eldrazi Ramp decks. Can actually get out an Ulamog the turn after he comes out, even without other mana accelerants (3 'normal' lands + 2 Eldrazi Temple = 11 mana using Garruk's +1 = Ulamog/Kozilek).

He's also one of those cards, and those planeswalkers in particular, which are totally fantastic in both constructed and limited. I was really bummed last week when I opened one in a SOM/SOM/M11 draft (odd, I know) after already going heavily into UB control. Had I opened it first, would've certainly rated the green cards higher in the packs.

@Dragonking - heard of Primeval Titan? =P Definitely over $30, and has been since just about the first day M11 came out.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/21/2010 1:28:36 PM)


His +1 is fun with the cycle of lands from Ravnica block like Simic Growth Chamber. Add one loyalty counter and four mana to your mana pool.
Posted By: RazzmatazzTheGreat (11/5/2010 12:15:49 PM)


when looking for a Planeswalker for my infect deck, I couldn't think of any one better then the strong, rugged, wild, Garruk! 5/5
Posted By: Yozuk (1/28/2011 10:52:31 AM)


Very fun planeswalker. Probably my favorite, although Nissa is very close behind (I love green stuff so thats mostly why).
Posted By: Gatsumon (2/4/2011 9:24:50 PM)


Just what I need to compliment all of my greens like Kalonian Behemoth and Verdant Force.
Posted By: Spectis (2/7/2011 2:54:45 PM)


got the foil of this, it is glorious.
Posted By: Kyzar (3/10/2011 7:11:03 PM)


Guess who's going in my Infect deck.
Posted By: jemas42 (3/27/2011 6:25:51 AM)


I love playing Garruk he is a simple yet amazing planeswalker to be using in green

@ Laguz

I am running a heavy mana ramp in my beast deck at the moment, I use arbor elfs, overgrowth and garruk to turn out huge beasts in turn 3 and i can kill people with over 1800 damage by turn 5.(around 600 with a realistic draw. I run like ths

turn 1: forest and arbor elf
turn 2: tap both forests and arbor elf and play overgrowth on one of the forests
turn 3: tap the forest with overgrowth and a 2nd forest, play garruk and unap both forest and then tap all lands fr 8 mana and then play terastodon and destoy all of my opponents lands or mine if i need creatures

turn 4 i then use overwhelming stampede and the game is more or less won.
Posted By: NobodyAkagi (4/14/2011 9:31:56 AM)


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