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Synergy with Mox Opal has already been discussed. Consider bouncing Voltaic Key to give you even more untappy goodness.
Posted By: fingermouse (9/26/2010 6:00:21 AM)


awesome card that will see alot of playtime...
Posted By: Alceron (10/16/2010 5:26:16 AM)


Does this hawks rises in theAncient Den?
Posted By: PlanesMoyza (12/15/2010 9:33:54 AM)


What's a Storm Crow?
Posted By: SeiberTross (1/3/2011 3:15:09 PM)


Fine, the Holy Relic shenanigans people are describing here clearly aren't tournament material. It's hard to pull off the really good starting hand reliably, a deck built around it can stall easily if it isn't carefully built with backup plans in mind, and every color has one or two mana answers they could board in (offhand, there's Condemn, Journey to Nowhere, Unsummon, Doom Blade, Lightning Bolt (in response to sac quest), Crush (after sac quest), and Naturalize.)

But you know what? I don't care. Magic exists outside the pro tour circuit, and not every deck has to be built using the current most winning Standard decks as a baseline. This card lets you do something really cool, and sometimes that's enough.

Also, @TheWrathOfShane: Nobody here is claiming to have invented this build. I defy you to come up with a completely original deck ide... (see all)
Posted By: Artscrafter (2/9/2011 9:49:08 AM)


"Its eyes burned nearly blind by the Whitesun, it hunts by metallic gleam."

My opponents must all have metallic faces...
Posted By: desolation_masticore (12/17/2010 7:39:55 AM)


Take that Storm Crow.
Posted By: StoicChampion (9/23/2010 6:39:44 PM)


T1: plains, quest for the holy relic, ornithopter/memnite, ornithopter/memnite
T2: plains, glint hawk, bounce the first ornithopter or memnite, then play it, then another glint hawk and bounce the same creature, play it again, activate the quest, search for argentum armor and attach it to the one 0 cmc guy you didn't bounce and attack with either a 7/7 vindicate on a stick or a 6/8 flying vindicate on a stick. No matter the deck your opponent is playing, they will be fighting a losing battle if you can start blowing up lands on your second turn.

You should also run stoneforge mystic in case something goes horribly wrong and unsummons your beatstick leaving you with a fancy suit of armor you would otherwise wait half the game to equip again.
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (10/12/2010 1:03:28 PM)


Is this better then Goblin Guide?
Posted By: rillaan (9/25/2010 11:02:03 AM)


This is one of the stupidest cards printed in the last several years. It is literally FREE with Mox Opal. A free 2/2 flier is stupid.

Memnite, Ornithopter, Mox Opal, Glint Hawk. A simple, not improbable opening hand gives you three power on turn 1 without even accounting for lands. And god forbid you have more than one Glint Hawk in that opening hand with your Opal.
Posted By: EternalLurker (9/25/2010 12:17:07 PM)


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