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Turn1: Island, Trickster Mage
Turn2: Tap Island, play Dimir Aqueduct to return Island, tap Trickster Mage and discard Argothian Elder to untap Dimir Aqueduct, play Lightning Greaves. Equip Trickster Mage.

Turn3: Play Island, tap Dimir Aqueduct and island, tap Trickster Mage and discard Morphling to untap Dimir Aqueduct, play Necrotic Ooze, equip Lightning Greaves. Unlimited mana immediately. Play Buried Alive and get Bloodrite Invoker into the graveyard. GG.

If you don't have Morphling in hand, tap Necrotic Ooze to untap both lands, play Buried Alive and put Morphling, Bloodrite Invoker and Eater of the Dead. Exile Eater of the Dead to untap Necrotic Ooze, unlimited mana unlimited life absorb, GG.

Alternative turn 3: Play Island... (see all)
Posted By: non1337 (11/23/2010 12:37:17 PM)


How does this interact with something like Echo Mage? Can you just use his leveled up abilities from the outset? Can you level up Necrotic Ooze with another level creature in your graveyard (say coralhelm commander or something easy to level) and then use his high level to use echo mage abilities?
Posted By: littleteapot (12/18/2010 2:29:59 PM)


I wish that it were passive abilities so that I could build a sliver deck around it.
Posted By: draco_nite (12/18/2010 11:20:00 PM)


wrong watermark is wrong. Geth says so.
Posted By: metalevolence (12/20/2010 1:16:11 AM)


How does this react with Quirion Elves's second ability?
Posted By: Foundry (12/20/2010 5:31:23 PM)


Can't wait to try it out with a Myr Propagator and a Godsire
Posted By: Zolpidem (12/31/2010 3:29:02 PM)


Almost a functional reprint of Experiment Kraj, minus the really weird combos that involve giving it the abilities of other card types. For instance, this cannot Equip to things no matter how many March of the Machines you use.
Posted By: Dabir (2/13/2011 11:20:54 AM)


If I had a Pentarch Paladin in my graveyard, do I get to choose a color for Necrotic Ooze? I'm thinking no and the activated ability would be useless since the choosing color ability is triggered and not activated...
Posted By: Veritus7 (3/7/2011 10:41:19 PM)


I have seen this is some vary cool decks made around infinity combos 5/5 because I appreciate cool combos.
Posted By: dragonking987 (3/27/2011 3:46:48 PM)


Necrotic Ooze had made me stumble upon the following problem;

I have a Necrotic Ooze on the battlefield (Johnny), another one in my graveyard (Harry) hanging out with a Glory. Now, since Harry states that Necrotic Ooze needs to be on the battlefield, which it is (Johnny), does Harry gain Glory's abillity?

To all those wrestling the same problem;
202.2. Text that refers to the object it’s on by name means just that particular object and not any other duplicates of it, regardless of any name changes caused by game effects.

Posted By: Shilrah (4/5/2011 3:07:06 AM)


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