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Don't underestimate those cutesy myr, once they get rolling...
Seriously though, that's a total of 8 power and 11 toughness for 7 mana spread across 5 bodies with a favourable creature type and an extra ability. Sweet.
It's just too bad myr didn't get more tribal support. Superion, Battlesphere, Galvanizer, Perilous Myr, all great cards but what they really need is a one drop.
Posted By: TPmanW (6/7/2011 10:47:02 PM)


The Three Big Myr:

Myr Superion...

Myr Galvanizer...

And this.
Posted By: Khurse (8/30/2011 7:47:35 PM)


They just made this a wallpaper today.
Epic, epic card.
8 power and 11 toughness over 4 dudes for 7 mana.
What a steal!
Posted By: LordAlvon (10/1/2010 7:06:08 AM)


Does anyone have any ideas as to flavor, why this card doesn't just get +X/+0 and trample, rather than dealing direct damage? Just curious.
Posted By: CJM2 (10/1/2010 11:31:38 AM)


Myr battlesphere+rite of replication=awesomeness. no problem with a myr deck.
Posted By: asacnineb3 (10/2/2010 11:57:12 AM)


This card is just insane.
It actually remembers me a lot the Katamari, from a not so well know game.

Now, what it does provide is also very very awesome. Direct damage plus attacking with that full power is something not so easily to deal with, because they are two kind of damages... and even, if an opponent happens to return it to your hand or destroy it, with everything around you can return it to the board quite easy.

A true threat, and even an extra threat to keep opponent busy and worry about if your deck revolves around infinite mana.
Posted By: Kadai (10/5/2010 3:47:46 PM)


this card is insane it won me 2 draft games at friday night magic
Posted By: Ninjaman157 (10/9/2010 7:55:41 PM)


NOOO!! someone beat me to the great balls of fire comment. Darn it.
Reasons i love it:
Hard to kill - its got seven toughness, so not much is gonna get it there
- its an artifact, so buy buy a decent portion of blacks kills.
Even if killed, you've still got 4 total power toughness, advantage much?
If bounced, well, long run, all the more fun for you.
It does direct damage. I love direct damage
(speaking of direct damage, i want to give this bad boy a mage slayer!)
And ITS A FREAKIN BALL OF MYR!! So cooooolllllll.(drools)
Posted By: Avatar_of_Wurms (10/12/2010 2:48:02 PM)


Game-play wise, direct damage to the defending player is a lot more interesting and useful than good old trample (I like how the direct dmg can be redirected to walkers to keep them in check). Also plays well with myr untapping shenanigans (attack with all myr, untap with galvanizer while battlesphere's trigger is on the stack, then tap again for dmg and pump).

Flavor wise, my mental image is that as the Myr ball grows ever larger, some of the myr are flung by momentum at their eventual, unfortunate target :)
Posted By: gelleetin (10/26/2010 12:32:41 PM)


The sphere is pure awesomness, Myr Decks are pure ingenuity. What does bug me is that if Myr Decks can hold their own against any casual deck, it is just short of being competitive. Just a little too slow to come out in constructed standard tourneys. Please WoTC allow Myrs to ramp up earlier! Maybe this way we'll see different cards in Standard.
Posted By: Carnophage_4ever (11/2/2010 5:20:53 AM)


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