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a 4/4 Hexproff uncouterable for 4, That's amazing
Posted By: Xineombine (5/4/2013 10:16:16 AM)


@strider24seven: A lot of those answers are invalid now with M14's new rules.

He's still a pain in the ass, but he can be neutralised at least. Or held up by a wall (mono green isn't rocking a lot of ways to get rid of them).

Though his EDH decks will have answers to things, and I can tell you he is not going to be a mere 4/4 for most of the game.
Posted By: psychichobo (5/27/2013 11:13:59 AM)


What about board wipes? Hallowed Burial and Terminus will annihilate this guy. Wrath of God can kill him too. You could even kill him with Innocent Blood.

Making legendaries not die to clones is possibly one of the best changes for EDH because blue is already so strong. They didn't need to be able to kill other player's commanders even if they have shroud/hexproof or indestructible.

I was honestly sick of seeing phantasmal image kill everyone's commander for just 2 mana even when those commanders have shroud or protection.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/11/2013 8:57:43 AM)


The perfect Mono-Timmy Green EDH Commander :)

Would have been Doran, because Ents are pretty darn Timmy-minded (SMASH SMASH Nature Good Combos Bad SMASH) but he's not Mono Green, and for some reason Mono Decks that play well are more intimidating than multi-color decks that simply show good ways to overlap weaknesses with strengths.

Jitte with this is so obnoxious. :P

Needs Spotlight + Terror to kill. That or Wrath, but Wrath is a bit slow in Legacy.

We need a card that says "Destroy all legendary permanents", and it should cost 3 mana, just like Maelstrom Pulse, and be a Mythic.

I know, I know, that seems harsh, right? On both wallets and on the Legendaries? I think such a card would actually be a good addition to Commander though, and if it got put in every Commander Pre-Con one year....that would be a good thing. The thing is, boards locked up with Jittes and Commanders need a "Stop. No." Button. If you want to ke... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (6/22/2013 10:51:46 PM)


.......And then M14 Legendary rule came around, and said "PROBLEM, BLUE?" *Whacks Blue Planeswalker with Troll cane*
Posted By: Kserwin (6/23/2013 11:38:21 AM)


Revised this post in favour of the M14 changes

Impossible? No.
Decent as card? Yes - 4.5/5
As a general? Moderately Annoying.

"Officially Untouchable?" Ummm, let me count the ways that he's not:

Humility+any kill spell, Catastrophe, Wrath of God, Harsh Mercy, Kirtar's Wrath, Mageta the Lion, March of Souls, Retribution of the Meek, Rout, Winds of Rath, Magus of the Tabernacle
Ixidron, Evacuate, Cyclonic Rift, Mindbreak Trap, Ertai's Meddling, Time Stop, Wash Out, Giant Albatross
Damnation, Decree o... (see all)
Posted By: strider24seven (7/18/2013 12:32:22 PM)


This card lies. Thrun is not the last troll.
Posted By: Pendulous (7/23/2013 6:10:41 PM)



Well they are all Golgari, so even though they don't have the Zombie subtype like Lotleth Troll they are still sorta not totally trolls anymore, at least not a pure one.
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (7/30/2013 5:13:24 PM)


A legacy-playable 4-drop creature has to be good.
Posted By: Continue (8/1/2013 4:39:27 PM)


@Ancient Timer: It depends what you consider to be powerful.

If you're looking for flat-out power, Wolfir Silverheart would like to say hello. If you're looking for a great sideboard card vs. control, Thrun is the way to go. He beats most of the creatures you mentioned in combat if you have {1}{G} open.

However, it seems to me that what you consider to be good are expensive, flashy cards that are known for winning games. I agree, there haven't been a lot of game-winning monogreen fatties lately, but now that Ravnica block is out, it's not a problem because mana fixing is easier and Huntmaster and Voice of Resurgence are still great cards.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (8/17/2013 3:10:11 PM)


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