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Thrun, the Last Troll, should have been named Thrun, the Ultimate Troll. C'mon, his art even has an epic troll face! That's because he knows he's the ultimate troll, seeing how effing broken he is...then again, it's high time someone did something about JMS.
Posted By: fluffysalt (1/31/2011 9:29:50 AM)


Its always nice to see something that spikes blue in the eye, and then slaps it in the back of the head. Although I wouldn't say this is broken until you add Rancor. The fact that it is legendary it may cause deck construction issues. You run 4 ,you get a high chance to get stuck with extras in your hand. You run 2, they may never surface. Less then 50% chance unless you run a tutor of sorts... Worldly Tutor but a tutor is usually used for a solution instead of a fatty. Will definately have impact once on the field, but too many legendary choices may be the deciding factor in a tight battle that results in top decking. If your at a field lock during game play and then top deck this guy, with another down already... your opponent just time walked.

Not to mention regeneration is an activated ability... Phyrexian Revoker can make sure he dies like a normal creature. 4/5 (I dont think legendary cards deserve 5/5... (see all)
Posted By: Internet_decks_lame (2/11/2011 12:23:39 PM)


so, no more trolling?
Posted By: CovetousDragon (5/23/2011 7:05:34 AM)


I love singing trololo out loud when I play him.

Posted By: Artan (5/23/2011 5:12:16 PM)


How about this guy as your EDH general
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (6/4/2011 11:44:41 AM)


thrun- "i am thrun the last troll"

me- "what about the cudgel troll"

thrun- " there lies not real trolls"

me- "they have troll in there name"

thrun- "i am thrun the last troll shaman"
Posted By: HeavyEcho (8/23/2011 10:57:12 AM)


Thrun's on the field so deal with it.....you just can't get rid of him.
Posted By: Dr_Fletchers (9/5/2011 1:00:30 AM)


At first glance, really underwhelming. With a little thought, hilarious and awesome.

He's like that one annoying friend who just never goes away.
Posted By: Himborg (5/20/2012 5:49:22 PM)


@ ninjafish: Not only would slagstorm kill your 1/1 before it got to block the troll, slagstorm is a sorcery so no surprises. Unless you are using the blue leyline and an instant to make myr or something :/
Posted By: lorendorky (1/28/2011 11:08:54 AM)


No, you never will be cool. Ever.
Posted By: Daijin26 (5/1/2012 5:06:18 PM)


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