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This guy is so much fun. I would be playing a few friends of mine with my card draw deck. I would stall the game long enough so I could have Consecrated Sphinx and Psychosis Crawler out. Then I would cast Time Reversal and draw 21 cards. Good times.
Posted By: Yozuk (2/8/2012 2:45:05 AM)


Definitely worth the Mythic Rare slot. Even if it's not too competitive with the Titan's in Standard out right now, I'd be more than happy to draw this guy in a booster.

EDIT: Man, this guy is seeing play over Titans now, wow.
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (2/23/2012 6:09:00 PM)


Just plain broken. This should be legendary as one on both sides of board leads to boring card drawing shenanigans. And that happens too easily with Blue's numerous clone creatures. 1/5.

Edited my text - but anyways I'm just getting fed up with the continuous power creep in creature cards. This, Phyrexian Obliterator, Baneslayer Angel, Wurmcoil Engine and lately Snapcaster Mage are the best examples.
Posted By: AncientTimer (3/5/2012 6:34:58 AM)


This card is amazing, so amazing that its included in EVERY blue EDH deck in my gaming circle. Of course, everyone also runs clone effects... (And almost all EDH decks have blue, funny thing)

The moment this card hits the board, someone is going to win the game. Either the guy who played him, or the guy who cloned him.

We considered banning it because it was simply too good not to use, and if someone doesnt remove it ASAP, the game was over. But then I had a great idea, what if we do an errata among ourselves? EDH is the for fun format, after all. The moment I pitched the idea of making Consecrated Sphinx a Legendary creature, everyone agreed.

Now the game wont end the moment someone clones it, as they always do. Now the threat will be dealt with instead! Its a full reversal of our previous situation. By making it legendary, it gives everyone additional tools to get rid of it with, and prevents the infinite draw loop at the same time.

So if anyone is having trouble with Consecrated... (see all)
Posted By: Sleazebag (3/19/2012 8:20:41 AM)


@DavidLopes - it's a "may" effect, you can't force anyone to draw with it. Unless you're willing to be a bit more persuasive.
(then again, there are much easier ways to kill with mindslaver)
Posted By: steev (4/19/2012 4:24:28 PM)


i'm sure this has already been established, but this card is absolutely insane in multiplayer games if left alone. 4-6+ extra cards over top of what your opponents get to draw? even if they have a card like black visethat penalizes you for having a plump hand the word "may" can be totally relevant.
Posted By: stompfest (4/30/2012 10:21:59 AM)


Has anyone tried it with Otherworld Atlas?
I'm curious if it's viable.
Posted By: instinx1 (4/30/2012 8:13:59 PM)


Nice to see a good finisher in Blue. Frost Titan kind of overshadows him a lot of the time, but if we're going to dismiss cards for not being as good as the Titans we're going to dismiss a lot of good cards.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (6/30/2012 12:09:21 AM)


Teferi's Puzzle Box springs to mind.
Posted By: Wizard-of-the-Toast (8/14/2012 6:36:38 AM)


this card is absolutely ridiculous in edh. Aside from maybe primeval titan, this is usually the first creature that gets cloned, reanimated, or exiled (occasionally gets gilded drake'd too). Not only will it draw you a ridiculous amount of cards, but it kills almost any incentive for other players to play their own card draw spells (nice brainstorm, bro).

in standard it's actually not broken though despite how ridiculous the ability sounds on paper. it has no immediate effects so it can be vapor snagged, doom bladed, etc with no problem. Then they untap, draw, you draw 2, then they have a chance to play their sorcery speed removal. If they remove it now, then you ended up paying 6 mana for a divination and they lose a card, which is not very exciting. Like many other mythics, this takes over the game the longer it sticks and it can't just be played in every deck (this card is not very good vs aggro or in aggro, but it's amazing in control mirrors). In a 1v1 game, this card is surprisi... (see all)
Posted By: mdakw576 (8/21/2012 5:13:12 AM)


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