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I have to agree,
I really wanted this guy to have his old flavor text.
It made him feel so much more epic than he actually is.
Posted By: infernox10 (5/9/2011 3:41:49 AM)


S c u mbling:

"This new version looks muted, cartoony, and hardly phyrexian at all."

In other words, a poster child for the juxtaposition between new phyrexia and old phyrexia.
Posted By: metalevolence (5/11/2011 8:57:28 PM)


This card isn't even good as far as overcosted high mana artifact creatures in draft go.

In the 6-7 range of late pick fatties, we already have:

Razorfield Thresher - CMC of 7 for a 6/4 - these two are close enough
Hexplate Golem - CMC of 7 for a 5/7 - This is pretty unquestionably better for the cost.
Razorfield Rhino - CMC of 6 for a 4/4 with a +2/+2 Metalcraft - Again, this is pretty unquestionably better, unless you're just playing next to no artifacts; which, in draft, is highly unlikely that you're not running at least 4 or 5.
Thundering Tanadon - CMC of 6 (as low as 4) for a 5/4 with trample - The best of the grounp, but this one isn't really in the same league as it's a late round pick. But really though, comparing them as both commons seems almost laughable.

Even when you get down to things like Solition, Tangle Hulk and even the lowly Saberclaw Golem - this card just seems really bad, even when compared to other bad cards.
Posted By: Mavlis (5/26/2011 6:59:07 AM)


I don't know why all of you hate the new flavor text that much.
Sure, the old one was cooler, and we know the reason why this dude got reprinted.
But the flavor text practically refers to its older prints and their flavor text (although the one from Tempest is the only one bound to a story line, and the cherished one from 7th Edition up to the Duel Decks reprint aren't part of a storyline)

While this one seems like the most iconic example, it already got various prints and a very recent one in a Duel Deck, so i can understand if you think there would have been better 'Phyrexian' reprint choices. But this one was mainly meant for draft anyways.
And when you go through the list you'll notice most would either take in a rare slot or have an ability that wouldn't have suited to New Phyrexia. Phyrexian Walker, Phyrexian Gremlins/autoc... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (8/1/2011 10:58:06 AM)


They needed a reason to downgrade it to common from Uncommmon, so they scrapped the awesome flavor text.
Posted By: Kruggles (8/13/2011 3:09:48 PM)


All the card does is brings back memories when magic was a real game with mana burn... Beloved 7th how I miss thee.
Posted By: ZioKai (8/27/2011 3:31:02 AM)


This was right where it should have been in terms of rarity. A pretty crap card, but it's half-decent in Limited. Then again, most things are. 2/5; at uncommon it would instead be 0.5/5.
Posted By: Continue (11/2/2012 6:18:14 AM)


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