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I hate the praetors, especially this guy. He would have been amazing as a 7/6 trampler that provides mana reflection but then they also stack on the land gimping ability too - I see him way too often in edh. I actually drafted a copy of him too but I feel it would be dirty using him, especially since I also use nature's will - I can imagine people conceding in disgust at that combo and I wouldnt blame them.
Posted By: dgb (11/1/2011 10:53:31 AM)


When you use this guy on Magic Online, how does his ability apply with the "undo" feature? If the opponent taps land, does a triggered ability go on the stack? Or does it just add "doesn't untap" to the land? And can you still undo the land taps after that ability resolves?
Posted By: PeabodyET (11/8/2011 8:53:00 AM)


@ Boakes

it takes more cards but,
turn 1: Reveal Chancellor of the Tangle play a forest, put down 2 Llanowar Elves
Turn 2: play a land, tap both and the elves to play Vernal Bloom
Turn 3: play a land, tap 3 and both elves to play this.
Posted By: languill (11/13/2011 9:20:24 AM)


To all haters of this giant: He wins games. On his own. Won me a whole FNM a couple weeks ago. How, you ask? I am currently playing Wolf Run Green and was having serious problems against WRR and the mirror-match. Then I found this little dude. Now I board three of them(mainly so I can always get one back after Beast Within). I HIGHLY recommend trying him out if you're running WRG!
Posted By: SweetoothTKC (12/4/2011 10:37:10 AM)


Unrivaled king of the swing, woulda been sweet at 4GGG. Still hilarious win condition.
Posted By: ToastRecon (12/8/2011 4:38:36 PM)


@Leshrac_Nightwalker: Actually on the Vorinclex/War Toll interaction, there's another thing that matters before that. "whenever an opponent taps a land for mana..."
Those lands are tapped by War Toll, not the opponent.
Posted By: Half-dead (12/19/2011 11:15:48 AM)


I have to say, I do really like the idea of green manipulating other players' mana. I hope R&D explores that idea in the future.
Posted By: Totema (5/22/2012 10:16:30 AM)


@Boakes2047 I know how to get 9 mana on turn 2, but it requires a very specific combo of 7 cards, so no Vorinclex without drawing it. That said, here is the combo:
turn 1: Have Chancellor of the Tangle, play forest, sol ring, harrow, get 2 forests, use one to wild growth on other forest, then tap that forest for 2 Arbor Elves. Probably not easy to get, but it works, because next turn you get 6 mana from the wild growth alone.
Posted By: chetoos (5/23/2012 3:45:24 PM)


This reminds me of Consecrated Sphinx. It makes sure you are always ahead of your opponents with mana generation.
Posted By: dberry02 (6/12/2012 11:01:04 AM)


@chetoos You're aiming way too low...

Turn 1: Play a Mox and a Black Lotus, Break them for 4x Candelabra of Tawnos. Play a Tolarian Academy and tap and untap it 4 times.

Turn 1; 21 Mana... no cards in hand... but who cares. :P
Posted By: DaJoshMaster (8/19/2012 5:35:18 PM)


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