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Community Rating: 3.821 / 5  (176 votes)
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Maybe if you play with a really casual group. It only takes 1 guy with go for the throat to kill him and he is only down 2 mana for 1 turn.

5/5 because he is an epic monster that creates brutal plays in my Mimeoplasm EDH deck. Dance of the Dead him into play, and then spend my mana on some insanely powerful spell (or combination of spells).

If you counter your opponent's spell with this guy in play, it's pretty much game over. Their mana won't untap next turn and your next turn will be ridiculously explosive.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/13/2013 8:51:41 AM)


At the very least, if he survives until your next turn, he makes an amusing Genesis Wave. I made a deck based around Genesis Wave or Primal Surge and enters the battlefield effects, and Vorinclex is... okay in it. Not really the best card, certainly kind of a boring Praetor, but honestly mana accel is kind of hard to balance.

It's still kind of fun to run Genesis Wave with X=13, though.
Posted By: NARFNra (7/28/2013 6:05:13 PM)


He's great in commander, except for the part where everyone kills you.
Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (8/7/2013 8:32:44 AM)


And now, add Prophet of Kruphix to the mix!!

Play him, then, in your opponent's turn, have access to like 16 mana or so...

Probably only in EDH, but imagine the hydras you can flash in!!!
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (9/19/2013 11:03:04 AM)


In my experience in EDH games this guy gets removed as soon as it hits the field... more often than not beforehand. He's usually countered immediately with one of the nastier "bottom of the deck shuffle" ones.

If he does it the field, it's practically begging for a Slaughter Pact, or tapping one swamp and artifact mana for a Doom Blade, etc. If he resolves he's usually already in Win-More mode and the game was facked long ago without his help.
Posted By: Xelris (11/1/2013 3:22:45 PM)


This card is pathetic. It doesn't even have Flying, Deathtouch, Haste, or Infect. I don't know how anybody can expect to win once this card hits the table, it'll be gone before your turn is over and you'll be dead before your next turn. They should have made it Indestructible with Hexproof and Lifelink.
Posted By: dhinge (11/5/2013 7:13:09 PM)


Between this, Hokori, Dust Drinker (and the various creatures and stax artifacts - Loxodon Gatekeeper, Blind Obedience, Mana Web, etc), the Seedborn Muse and Prophet of Kruphix, and the tons of "to keep it safe" stuff blue adds, no wonder it's had to beat a good EDH Bant deck even if you have all it takes.
Posted By: geniusloci (4/6/2014 2:06:50 PM)


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