This is just kind of off the top of my head, but here goes nothing.
Turn 3: play Scornful Egotist face down.
Turn 4: play this by paying the Phyrexian mana and turn lord Egotist up.
Turn 5: Sac the egotist to this, bring out anything in your library CMC 9.
Turn 6: Swing if you wish, then sac that for Progenitus.
A little roundabout, but it ought to work.
Posted By:
(6/2/2013 2:16:01 PM)
Turn 4: Birthing Pod, sacrifice a 3 drop to fetch Solemn Simulacrum, fetch a land
Turn 5: Sacrifice, draw a card, fetch Havengul Lich, recast simulacrum, fetch a land
Turn 6: Sacrifice, draw a card, fetch Prophet of Kruphix
The world is your oyster!
Posted By:
(12/12/2013 6:42:49 AM)
I didn't notice the sorcery speed restriction until just now.
And I've known about this card for like a year.
Posted By:
(4/1/2014 12:28:17 PM)