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Onyx Goblet
Posted By: bowtochris (7/9/2011 2:02:47 PM)


A free Lightning Bolt to the face each turn is not bad, but it seems quite underwhelming compared to the other cards in the cycle unless you've got a lot of bloodthirst going on.
Pretty good combo with Vampire Outcasts or Gorehorn Minotaurs in limted, but if you don't have those kinds of creatures, the crown or the throne are probably better.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (7/11/2011 4:48:42 AM)


if you have the other two, this makes the throne about 5 times better and you get a 3 mana mind control for 3 each turn. I'd throw one of these in anyway and build a deck around getting the three out
Posted By: Arrzarr (7/11/2011 3:54:29 PM)


"In the name of the Moon, I shall punish you!"
Posted By: A3Kitsune (7/10/2011 2:56:25 AM)


@A3Kitsune - Why...why did you have to do that?

*goes off in a daze, thoughts of Rei in his head*
Posted By: Alsebra (7/14/2011 7:06:58 AM)


Nowadays, you can get a Goblin Fireslinger for cmc1. This makes this card quite unspectacular. Allthough I recognize the combo with bloodthirst, I believe that no scepter should mimic some sort of unblockable creature, dealing damage to a player directly.

In addition, the Scepter isn't a tool of war, but a status symbol. It's held in your hand and "connected" to it and therefore symbolizes your mundane"role". (A military leader might have a scepter in form of a saber)

In my opinion, the Scepter should therefore influence the "physical" realm (aka the permanents on the battlefield) in ways of leadership.

Therefore, I would give the Scepter the ability to untap creatures. And since it's the "weakest" symbol of all three, it should have been the card with the lowest mana cost and the highest activation cost. The "combo-achieved" ability should work on all creatures you control.

As an alternative, it could have the ability to tap a permanent. The increased form could then have some s... (see all)
Posted By: Cheza (7/27/2011 7:49:04 AM)


Ignoring the fact that it is part of a set, this card is vastly superior to it's predecessor, Rod of Ruin (lower cast, no pump). Add to that, if you do complete the set, it boosts by 3.
Posted By: JimT70 (4/9/2012 9:56:41 PM)


"With this scepter, Smite your enemies."
Posted By: Ideatog (7/18/2011 7:42:43 PM)


This is definitely the worst of the three. It's basically just there to enable the other two.
Posted By: Baconradar (10/27/2011 4:59:11 AM)


combo with Soliton and myr welder
Posted By: garganeraboy (1/17/2012 6:57:56 PM)


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