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Community Rating: 4.538 / 5  (117 votes)
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What does this do to face-down creatures? Does it return them all? Or just the one targeted creature?
Posted By: Blazer_Dawg (11/30/2010 1:27:24 AM)


To great to leave a stupid comment at 5/5
Posted By: MisterMelancholy (9/30/2010 6:13:46 PM)


out of all the cards in the cycle, this is the only one that has the potential to effect cards that it can't target. If you can find a way to make a land stop being a land, you could bounce its same named land partners.
Posted By: mrbananas (12/6/2010 8:18:51 PM)


i've seen somebody who played a relentless rats deck. I went out of my way to play them with four of these in my deck.
They had ten rats out.
Then they had no rats out.
and then they rage quit ;D
Posted By: Mr.Freshness-Timmy (1/10/2011 1:06:12 PM)


Ok this card definitely rocks the casbah, but I am trying to see how it could be updated for inclusion in modern play. By updated, I mean better-balanced.

It isn't just token-hating that makes this card rock (although the ability to destroy mass tokens should be uncommon at least). Most competitive deckbuilders these days run four-ofs as a general rule, so it is quite common to see two or more of the same creature/artifact/enchantment on the battlefield. This makes the card a 'two for one' tempo disruptor on a fairly regular basis, and compared to cards like Disperse, that is probably too good.

Granted, the card can have the negative side effect of making you bounce your own creatures in some rare scenarios, but that isn't really worth taking into consideration as a cost-cutting drawback -more like just an interesting quirk of the card that will show up from time to time.

First thought is that the card should be uncommon, and the mana cost should b... (see all)
Posted By: Stray_Dog (12/14/2010 7:41:30 PM)


Combos with Islands
Posted By: Anathame (10/9/2011 6:30:30 PM)


great bounce spell.... one of the best if not the best for the mana. really solid in a bounce deck.
Posted By: thewalkingdead (11/14/2011 4:10:03 PM)


Quite useful in Tezzeret's deck. Bye bye Solider Tokens!
Posted By: SirZapdos (3/13/2012 9:03:24 AM)



Tee hee.
Posted By: Gandlodder (4/14/2013 2:25:51 PM)


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