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Community Rating: 3.776 / 5  (172 votes)
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I saw someone pull this on a guy who got 3 Karn Liberateds in the Prerelease. He had one in his hand. Everyone felt he deserved it, and much sympathy was had when he played another one and killed the poor bastard.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (5/25/2011 6:40:24 PM)


"That's a very nice Jace/ Stoneforge you have there... Not anymore :)"
"You prick."
"Really? *Pays two life for Surgical Extraction*"
Posted By: WateryMind (6/3/2011 3:01:15 AM)


The recording cards thing is common practice, and I've never seen a judge protest about it, AND I don't see why you can't, as if you couldn't they would just stare at your hand for 30 secs to memorize it, and it would just punish people with bad memories. That said, I'm not a judge, so who knows.
Posted By: Gerbil_Lord (7/14/2011 9:30:00 PM)


@Axelle After reading that, I have to do this.
"Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate. "
--Geth, Lord of the Vault
Posted By: MyrBattlecube (7/15/2011 1:40:16 PM)


Considering the Lore, that might've been a better flavor text if Sheoldred had said it.
Posted By: DeathDark (6/20/2011 1:33:37 PM)


I think this cards value is going to go up as time passes and more sets come out. The more Planeswalkers there are, the more incentive and synergy there is to play lots of them.
Posted By: lorendorky (1/11/2012 1:15:07 AM)


I have a friend who, by freakish luck, draws his Planeswalker all the time on the first turn. I love this card.
Posted By: TherealphatMatt (7/18/2011 5:01:12 PM)


Sweet :)
Posted By: vaiserious (4/29/2011 6:15:09 AM)


please quit saying this is so good because it hits planeswalkers, duress hit planeswalkers. it's rated lower yet it hits such a wider variety of targets. most notably, this wont hit their counter spells. WAY over-hyped. inquisition hits most creatures anyway. the few others that'll slip through can be easily handled. and thoughtseize IS $28 better. it hits EVERYTHING. now to be honest though, i wont actually pay $30 for just about any piece of paper
Posted By: BlackAlbino (5/28/2011 4:06:41 PM)


This really should have included Jace in the artwork.
Posted By: Askthespartan (6/1/2011 7:03:50 PM)


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