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A 1 drop like this comes along very rarely every once in a great while. It's a staple and a truly fantastic red creature. Reprint this in a core set again soon please!
Posted By: Dream_Twist (1/23/2013 8:50:01 AM)


He's a permanent resident of Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle hotel btw.
Posted By: wicked_pick (1/24/2013 12:58:43 AM)


One of the few creatures I, as a Vorthos-Over-Spike when it comes to playing Red, am willing and happy to play when trying to make Red my main color. (Exception: Jundish and Zooish decks. and Big Dragons and stuff :D)

I don't normally like Goblins decks, or Red creatures like Hero of Oxidd Ridge. Oh I understand well why they are good. Hero of Destiny was my least favorite card in Premium Deck Series: Baked or Fried. I just prefer Firey Red to Earthy Red. :)

My Vorthos side is alway appreciative, though, when a card that just so happens to suit his palate also ends up being a card Spikes agree is "Yeah, bonkers. We like how many games we win when we play this. :) "

If you are considering playing Grim Lavamancer at all, then you are most probably either doing it for Flavor reasons or you are using him Stragically, in which case your Deck Builds itself after you've picked this card. The lowest costing, fastest-tempo, highest damage spells in t... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/28/2013 1:37:53 PM)


If you have no plans on replaying your spells via Snapcaster Mages or other means, this is the safest option, especially since it also neutralizes the minute danger of your opponent playing cards out of your grave.

Long story short, if you're not going to replay spent cards or return to hand things, then this will make mill decks think twice because every card in the grave is a potential burn spell.

Just think - 2 lightning bolts deal 6 damage for 2 mana, throw in this guy's ability and now you're doing 8 for 3. And all in the early game too.
Posted By: Krysto (5/5/2013 4:51:50 PM)


WTF are you serious? If this did 3 damage that would be stupid. Cards in your graveyard in a deck that would use this are FREE. You run lots of burn spells like lightning bolt and searing spear. You burn out your hand by spamming these low-cost spells that don't have too much of a permanent effect on the game (you mostly use them to zap your opponent's face - which only matters when they are dead).

What do you do when you run out of cards in your hand? Oh, just dump your graveyard into these guys and finish off your opponent. You want 3 damage for the mana, but 3 damage for 1 mana at NO CARDS LOST would be stupid.

Picture it like this:
Epic Lightning Bolts That Ruins MTG
Deals 3 damage to target creature or player. Draw a card.

That's basically what you want off this guy. That would be an absolutely stupid card.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/26/2013 7:42:15 AM)


I run him in a strange deck, R/B Control. A lot of my burn is card advantage style, and most of it is used to keep the board clear for swinging (unless I see the win in sight.) This guy helps out in that early on I can start burning off creatures without using cards.

It's also effective in Legacy and Modern, similar to Deathrite Shaman, as she shrinks Tarmogoyf. When you have up-to-8 1-drops that control the goyf main-deck while propelling you towards a win condition, you're in great shape.

They also make your deck about $400 cheaper by not running the goyf yourself..
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/11/2013 1:21:31 PM)


I like the Torment art better.

Posted By: Captain_Sisay_2591 (11/14/2013 5:26:07 AM)


5/5 Best Red one drop around, sorry Goblin Guide, but it's true. This either draws out removal or does a lot of damage and board control. Card advantage and or reuseable burn on a stick. Not sure why he wears Blue robes though? :/ Favorite card in my Red Legacy deck.
Posted By: Silence9 (5/11/2014 11:37:03 AM)


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