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Community Rating: 4.166 / 5  (160 votes)
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Why does this land have Tower in the name but isn't of the Tower land type?
Posted By: Edacade (3/1/2012 3:24:59 AM)


If your commander is colorless, does this tap for 1, or does it just do nothing because 'colorless' isn't a color?
Posted By: Lavrant (7/3/2011 8:41:03 PM)


Drop it in with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to turn Command Tower into a Swamp :)
Posted By: Lithl (7/20/2011 3:27:33 PM)


Solely for what its included in, otherwise it'd be a $100+ Mythic rare, probably.
Posted By: Judgemaster_Rolan (8/31/2011 11:21:41 AM)


With a name like that it could easily have been a legendary land.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (9/20/2011 12:37:48 PM)


I'm gonna put one in my mono-blue commander deck for the lulz.
Posted By: IUHoosier (1/5/2012 1:07:20 PM)


Obviously awesome for Commander. Obviously useless for everything else.

I don't like that they would print a card only usable for one format, but I guess that's not really a problem since it was and is ever only going to be printed in the specific Commander set-thingy.
Posted By: xwayj (2/8/2012 3:20:38 AM)


I love this card. It is a little weird to think of my scarecrows all turning towards the Reaper King in his tower. I picture something like my shell skulkin taking a fireball (with its shell) for its scrapbasket companion. It turns around and yells "we are getting hammered out here! we need help!" The painter's servant whirls and ties a note to my scuttlemutt which dashes through the fray towards the tower. The doors open for it but slowly and ominously. It slips in the crack. Inside me and my reaper king sit watching the battle. As the scuttlemutt enters we turn. The reaper king steps forward and flexes its wicker talons. It's harvest time.
Posted By: Stinga (4/8/2012 9:23:18 PM)


Alright, while I agree that this is an excellent EDH card, it's NOT for every deck, specifically mono-coloured ones. Why? because it's strictly worse than a basic land in those decks. It's harder to search, functions the same way, and doesn't provide and advantage for cards that care about basic lands, like Abolish, High Tide, or Nightmare. Worse still, if it gets stolen by something, it gives them and advantage that it didn't give you.

Of course, in any multicoloured deck it is simply fantastic, since it's untapped and any colour you need.
Posted By: swords_to_exile (5/11/2012 1:47:49 PM)


If your running a colorless commander... then just use a basic land instead...
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (9/7/2012 7:54:59 AM)


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