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@Blindthrall: No, Fixed YOUR flavor text:

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Posted By: DarthParallax (3/5/2012 11:38:05 PM)


So, does that mean, with enough mana, I can draw up to 13 cards with Army of the Damned?
And if I have Rooftop Storm on the field, my Zombies get to call friends from the graveyard AND from my deck for as little as 1 mana each?
As a Zombie deck user, this calls for a formal welcoming party.
Posted By: Zerof89 (10/29/2011 1:32:51 AM)


Not much in a white swarm deck. The 3 cmc slows him down considerably meaning you're either not playing your Accorder Paladin or Elite Vanguard or you're not getting the draw off him. However, in a white token deck he is incredible.

Pair him with Hero of Bladehold and draw two cards every turn, thrown down an Elspeth Tirel +2 one turn -2 the next, draw three cards. My personal favorite has to be playing it out slow, dropping him then waiting a turn or two and drawing off Timely Reinforcements.

@CarlosLiberated : That's not how germs work. If they were ever 0/0s on the battlefield they would instantly die from having 0 toughness. Instead they enter the battlefield attached to the equipment making their power and toughness whatever the equipment gives them.
Posted By: TheGoodDoctor20 (10/18/2011 3:28:41 PM)


humans are cheap, unfair and out of hand...which is why im running them at states XD
Posted By: whiteforthewin (10/11/2011 3:42:11 PM)


Take one of these guys, a couple of Stitcher's Apprentice add a dash of Murder of Crows, and top it all off with a Laboratory Maniac.

Mmm smells combolicious.
Posted By: Fenizrael (10/12/2011 9:39:45 PM)


When this card rotates out of standard, I'm thinking of splashing white for my Norin the Wary deck.
Posted By: EnfEnEt (10/17/2011 12:35:53 AM)



I disagree, he is an awesome card draw engine. If you're considering human standard, T1 and T2 will generally be a champion of the parish or avacyn's pilgrim. If you hit the pilgrim on T1 you can have your mentor out T2.

Then drop weenies like no tomorrow:
Grand Abolisher
Avacyn's Pilgrim
Champion of the Parish
Fiend Hunter
Gideon's Lawkeeper
Gideon's Avenger
Elite Inquisitor
Mirran Crusader

and last but not least
another Mentor of the Meek

Are all great candidates for cantrips.

Confuse your opponents and drop a champ of the parish and draw 2 cards off your couple of mentors. Generally your hand is going to be reaaaallly full so discard that fiend hunter you've got sitting there. Next turn swing with your previously played sun titan, re... (see all)
Posted By: starfox444 (10/19/2011 9:21:33 AM)


I've loved this addition to WW, even in the new UW builds, he's often better than blue draw spells especially when your most often going to have enough mana open to cast whatever you drew straight away. In that sense, it makes some top decks quite electrifying.
Posted By: MagnaLynx21 (12/19/2011 5:42:36 AM)


Whenever I think of the word 'Meek', I think of the small. No wonder he couldn't handle Kung Fu Panda.

Pretty excellent card all round, I'm thinking Eldrazi tokens here as a card-spewing engine.
Posted By: Splizer (12/25/2011 5:16:22 PM)


Ghave, Guru of Spores.

2, Remove a +1/+1 counter from a creature you control: Put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token onto the battlefield. Draw a card.
Posted By: RJDroid (12/28/2011 12:29:33 PM)


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