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@Myrderous I know it's wierd right. I would argue that this has better card draw then even certain blue cards *stares at my copy think twice menacingly* White can probably use card draw more anyways what with Green being slowish and requiring ramps(with notable exceptions).

Anyways, this guy. THIS guy ... is a beast. Thraben Doomsayer + this guy = draw 1 and put a 1/1 white human token onto the battlefield every turn for 1 (Works well with Throne of Empires as well but not as well as thraben doomsayer). Cloudshift+ Elvish Visionary with this guy in play = Divination for 1White. Think Twice can suck it, I'd take this combo over that any day. Don't even get me started with Lingering Souls. This would what it would be like if it were a card.

Lingering Souls (+ Mentor of the Meek)2White

(card ... (see all)
Posted By: Ligerman30 (8/9/2012 6:41:04 PM)


Awesome way to spend your spare mana. Fits perfectly in a human themed deck - in my deck, the only human with power greater than 2 seems to be Geist-Honored Monk.

Without this you simply might end up shelling all those cheap costed humans out way too fast.
Posted By: Carkki (8/20/2012 9:34:38 PM)


This + Words of Wilding + Mana Echoes = Infinite mana and 2/2 bears. Throw in Parallel Lives for infinite card draw or something like Fervor to swing in for the win.
Posted By: Zorgrath (9/17/2012 11:36:06 AM)


Turn 1 Soul Warden. Turn 2 Bitterblossom. Turn 3 Mentor. Turn 4 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad. All according to plan.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (11/8/2012 3:55:28 PM)


This guy kills it in my "enters the battlefield" themed deck.

I'm confused about one thing though... When I successfully cast Whirlpool Rider what happens first? Do I draw a card and then shuffle my hand, or do I shuffle my hand and then draw a card?
Posted By: NickDay (11/20/2012 5:36:41 PM)


This guy is an amazing soldier, and being a 2/2 is nothing to complain about. Put a Bonds of Faith on him and he can help hold off opposing forces early on until you get those precious game winning cards.
Posted By: Kratos1810 (11/27/2012 5:54:02 PM)


Hold on let me get my Rander of Eos out first. Alright good. Now Reveillark, hehehehe
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/3/2013 6:29:28 PM)


Are you allowed to put as much mana in it as you wish or can you only pay 1 each time you play a 2 or lower power level creature? because if that is the case, you can get a whole new hand midgame with just him and a weak creature...
Posted By: packleader (2/16/2013 3:35:27 PM)


Lullmage Mentor goes well with this. Counter a spell, 1/1 blue merfolk & 1: draw a card (since a meek merfolk dude came to school). 7 merfolk (through countering/drawing) allows you to counter whatever every time you untap. Draw on.

Dovescape could get incredibly nasty. Then you get a meek flyer & merfolk to draw cards off of.
Posted By: MattLynn (4/11/2013 4:52:04 AM)


Am I the only one who's reminded of John Crichton when they see this guy?
Posted By: Ghengis_John (4/14/2013 10:34:37 PM)


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