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Ouch, an outstandingly painful effect, so long as you have mana to capitalize. Imagine if this was an enchantment. Flashback cost is decent, only one mana more than its regular cost, so that’s cool. Making your graveyard spell’s flashback cost the same as their casting cost is excellent fairness.
A good idea/effect but you need to be clever about capitalizing from the effect and/or having excess mana to really drive home the point of this spell. I say the possibilities to build theme around it can outweigh drawbacks to using it.
Posted By: Chrs84 (4/14/2012 5:17:58 PM)


I can see this being used in burn to finish someone with some cheap burn spells maybe. 3.5/5
Posted By: Sparkblaze (5/1/2012 8:19:28 PM)


I LOVE this in EDH against my friend's Oona, Queen of the Fae mill deck.

"Oh, so you traumatized me? Well for 4 to 5 mana my hand is now half my deck. Thanks man!"

Also a great way of getting one last taste out of a big expensive wrath spell in the super-late game.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (6/18/2012 2:03:54 PM)


Arcane Melee, heheheh.
Posted By: LordRandomness (8/6/2012 5:04:14 PM)


Seething Song + Reverberate + Infernal Plunge + Chandra, the Firebrand... Anyone???
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/24/2012 1:07:36 AM)


i dont want to see a edh burn deck with this play it around turn 12 or ten around five one mana burn spells that is amazing going into my edh now
Posted By: Notchism (8/27/2012 2:06:51 PM)


I guess Ms. Voldaren enjoys seeing a Flashback of Rolling Temblors.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (5/5/2013 8:54:07 PM)


Finished two FNM games using this, and Goblin Electromancer. One with four burn spells, the other with Guttersnipe and divinations. Might have also had Young Pyromancer during one of those.
Its very fun, but costly without spell cost reduction.

But its still my favorite card right now.
Posted By: Fawxkitteh (9/12/2013 8:59:34 AM)


A Modern-legal Yawgmoth's Will that you can use twice? Nope. No way in hell can that be broken, nuh-uh.

As someone who runs two in a Young Pyromancer storm deck, this is the one card that you really want to see once you hit 6 mana on your rituals.
Posted By: Continue (9/17/2013 11:17:28 PM)


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