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One of my all-time favorites in green casual decks. Here are some good targets:

1) Primeval Titan if you're using a deck with powerful lands. Fierce Empath typically always tutors for Primeval Titan in my Ezuri, Renegade Leader French EDH deck, where Primeval Titan is legal. Additionally, Empath is an Elf, so he fits great in Elf EDH decks to tutor for your big non-Elf fatties.
2) Regal Force, for card draw.
3) Woodfall Primus, for getting rid of specific annoying permanents (like Ensnaring Bridge, for example).
4) Steel Hellkite, for more general reusable removal and blocking flyers, two things monogreen has a hard time with.
5) Primalcrux, a monogreen casual favorite. If you run 4 of the Empath(which I do), you're effectively running 8 Primalcruxes.
6) Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. I use Fierce Empath in my Cascade autoca... (see all)
Posted By: drunyon (10/15/2013 3:27:48 PM)


It's a perfectly fine card in EDH. Most fair tutors are 3 mana and have specific restrictions (fabricate, idyllic tutor, etc), which is why demonic tutor is insane, green sun's zenith is a little too good, and eladamri's call is in literally every GW deck. Getting a 1/1 for your troubles is better than nothing, since it's sacrifice fodder and can chump block.
Posted By: mdakw576 (11/12/2013 1:56:12 AM)


As of today, there are 1041 creatures this guy can tutor up for you.... so he's pretty awesome.
Posted By: tcollins (5/20/2014 4:23:33 PM)


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