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Posted By: Dankirk (6/26/2013 7:26:24 AM)


Alright, here's one:

T1: Forest, birds of paradise
T2: Plains/mountain, Woolly thoctar
T3: Basic Land, Cliffrunner Behemoth, swing for 10 and gain 5 life
T4: kill
Posted By: kellbyb (8/28/2013 7:06:46 AM)


This is one of my favourite cards. I like to play a birds of paradise on the first turn and on the second turn come out with the Woolly Thoctar. I also like to play a shield of oversoul on it and when I'm playing opponents with control magic in their deck I like to have disenchant or creeping mold in my hand to protect it.
Posted By: hahahahahaha (3/25/2012 9:48:46 AM)


Markov Blademaster is a T6. Remember its ability resolves for the first strike before normal combat damage is dealt.

Fun game, isn't this?
Posted By: Chimaera2357 (5/21/2012 12:38:29 PM)


So....frikin'.......awesome. I want.
Posted By: GolemEmperion (5/26/2012 7:05:26 PM)


I was bored, so I scoured gatherer. Here's some T5s:

Student Of Warfare
T1: Plains, Student
T2: Plains, LvUp->2, 3 damage
T3: Plains, LvUp->5, 3 damage (6)
T4: LvUp->7, 8 damage (14)
T5: 8 damage (22)

Flailing Soldier
T1: Mountain, Soldier
T2: Mountain, Buff+2, 4 damage
T3: Mountain, Buff+3, 5 damage (9)
T4: Mountain, Buff+4, 6 damage (15)
T5: Mountain, Buff+5, 7 damage (22)
(Assuming your goldfish opponent can't be bothered to tap their unused mana)

I've looked at pretty much every creature ever that could be a potential on-its-own win, because I was bored, but I've pretty much come to the conclusion that T5's about the best you're going to do (this assumes no spells whatsoever other than the creature, and only basic lands. No opponent interaction.)

There's still a theoretical Turn 4 win with Mindshrieker, if the total CMC of the cards milled after three ability uses (one on T3 and two on T4) is 18 o... (see all)
Posted By: zenuedite (6/11/2012 8:31:32 PM)


EDIT: Oh nevermind. I just realized we are discussing *single* creatures winning *on their own* without being buffed by other spells :/

You all must realize that this discussion is awefully unrealistic since your opponents will most likely have played creatures and/or removal cards. That Wolly Thoctar is gonna get nailed by something as soon as it hits the table.

Anyway, as for the card, the 5/4 body for 3CMC is awesome, but it does require WhiteRedGreen to play. Mana accel won't help here because most of the boost early on produce a tapped land or more green or colorless mana. It's a beatstick that usually causes alot of panic for your opponents if played on turn 3. In a Naya deck this is a must, especially with all those lovely white/red removals and buff spells. For mono-green, we now have Leatherback Baloths for 3CMC, all green but still 3. I'd love to see this thing fight a leatherback baloth, that would be awesome.

4.5/5 for what it is, a 5/4 WhiteRedGreen creatu... (see all)
Posted By: CorkBulb (8/19/2012 9:21:30 PM)


Seriously good card for a three drop if you've got the mana - and if you're playing three color and don't have the mana, you're doing it wrong (assuming you're hardcasting this... there are many cards in {G}{W}{R} that can tutor this).
Posted By: Morgaledh (8/27/2012 10:39:07 AM)


Omnath, Locus of Mana manages a T6, but there are T5's out there.
Posted By: gman92 (11/27/2012 6:20:30 PM)


Immolating Souleater Gets it done turn 5 if you pay 18 life.
Posted By: UnleashedCabalCar (12/15/2012 7:50:23 PM)


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