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Community Rating: 3.964 / 5  (251 votes)
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This card is simply amazing. A 5/3 for five mana (super-splashable too) isn't horrible, but the abilities just make it crazy. This guy will be perfect in Birthing Pod decks, he'll be great with Conjurer's Closet, and he makes Vapor Snag users cower in fear.

5/5. This is what green should be.
Posted By: merlin34 (7/5/2012 3:57:58 PM)


Loving this card. Not just for the efficiency it brings to the table, but also for the crazy combos I'm sure someone will play, involving bouncing the Thragtusk back and forth ad infinitum for infinite life and infinite Beasts.

My only regret is that this is not a Wurm, as the spiritual successor to Pelakka Wurm.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (7/5/2012 4:14:53 PM)


What was Wizards thinking? They totally forgot to include "undying" to it. Now it only comes with a +5 life greeting gift and a free 3/3 parting gift? That's it? My life sux!
Posted By: Thragoyf (11/12/2012 9:51:26 PM)


Back the day for one green and four you could cast a stream of life for four if you wanted life , know you get this montrosity instead.
Posted By: Mindbend (11/28/2012 4:43:33 AM)


This card's name should be "$30 entry ticket to play green in standard or in modern"

Wizards obviously didn't learn their lesson from Primeval Titan or JMS.
Posted By: Shard_Fenix (12/17/2012 7:01:37 PM)


Even if you somehow don't get the chance to flick it, a 5/3, a 3/3, and 5 life for 4G is good mana efficiency.
Posted By: TastetheJace (7/12/2012 10:41:41 PM)


You can tell when a card is just stupid. It's when it gets the highly coveted leaves the battlefield trigger. The card is obviously obscene. You get 5 power, 5 life for a creature that cannot be eliminated easily. Now in many other sets, a card like pacifism would at least be good removal, but given how they decided to bring this out in a set right after one that is filled to the brim with blink....

It's a mistake and it bogs down standard to who has the most of this and the angels. The only way to stop this card is counterspells or killing players before they field it.

When you look at the design for this card you see a card designed to "fix" the meta of the future future league, but they made a card here that many players will feel helpless when it's played against them. And it's a barrier of entry to standard unless if you get really creative. A good card should feel fun for the player playing it and the guy playing against it. Or a card that is really good in one situation but l... (see all)
Posted By: Shiizu (11/25/2012 2:29:22 AM)


It's hard to deny the pure utility this one creature has. Keep in mind that he's also likely coming out earlier than Turn 5.

Posted By: LlanowarEmissary (7/7/2012 12:45:17 AM)


Standard was thusly renamed:
Thragtusk, the Gathering
Posted By: strider24seven (12/27/2012 11:11:19 AM)


I friggin' LOVE this card! XD
Posted By: RDorothy (2/14/2013 4:47:56 PM)


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