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Counter for Zur the Enchanter wut?
Posted By: FaltonOV (10/11/2012 8:08:00 AM)


They were drunk when they made this. I mean they should've added another G or B to the cost and made it more like voidslime. This is just nuts.

A friend pulled a foil one...DO WANT!!

pernicious deed, maelstrom pulse, meet your new buddy
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (10/23/2012 6:43:09 AM)


Mark my words, this will make its presence known in every format it's legal in.
Posted By: Totema (11/5/2012 9:43:44 PM)


It's good no doubt. Single target removal should never be $20 though. There's a lot of people blaming Wizards for it, all I see is a bunch of people scrambling to grab a rare during a print shortage. Looking forward to a month from now when this card is at it's proper price of ~$10.

:Edit 11/06/2012: Looks like I was right, $9.99 on SCG.com
Posted By: Kagatob (11/6/2012 12:48:36 AM)


My two cents on the card? Since this came in, the meta has changed a bit... 4-drops and up are now more desireable. I think the change isnt too bad, it kinda means that decks like jund have a lot more to offer in terms of answers to threats... this deals with quite a few of the modern and legacy formats' staples, such as tarmogoyf and dark confidant... unfortunately it also means that the decks that run these colours also become considerably more favorable. I kinda don't like it cause it isn't blue, but i kinda really like it because it gives rock decks something to work with, and that's a deck I'd love to see more of in the format... It's an interesting archetype

I'm peeved that this can't deal with tron decks effectively, then again that's me being greedy, wanting a 2cmc land destruction card... that would be the straw that breaks the back of the definition of "Over Powered"... i'm considering running it in my "Ana's Modern Merfolk" deck... its already UG and in terms of what cards ... (see all)
Posted By: Gheridarigaaz (11/11/2012 3:23:37 PM)



There are some cards that people go nuts over the instant they're spoiled, but they fail to live up to their expectations. There are other cards that people don't appreciate at first, but once they've proven themselves in a tournament environment or on the international stage, they truly understand their power.

Then, there's Abrupt Decay.

What can I possibly say about this card that hasn't been bandied back and forth a hundred times already? When this showed up in the Return to Ravnica spoiler lists (complete with its own article), it was instantly on the radar of Standard, Modern, and Legacy players alike. It hasn't disappointed in the slightest. It's an instant-speed, easy-to-cast removal spell for any number of problems, and the fact that countermagic does basically nothing against it just makes it that much deadlier. Green-black is already a color combo capable of some pretty nasty things, and this has definitely been added to the list.

Aside ... (see all)
Posted By: nerothewizard (12/21/2012 4:25:34 AM)


2 mana, uncounterable, and destroys Counterbalance or Top (plus a billion other things in eternal formats)? 5/5 or .5/5 depending on what you play in Legacy or Vintage.
Posted By: RedAtrocitus (1/3/2013 5:46:49 PM)


This is what Swerve is for, and given the colors, they are bound to have a <=3 CMC card out in Legacy/Classic.
Posted By: igniteice (2/18/2013 11:39:04 AM)


Destroy target Delver deck.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (2/25/2013 2:39:26 PM)


Wow. The price abruptly decayed from $20 to $5.
Posted By: SiamKor (3/9/2013 1:59:26 AM)


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