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Community Rating: 3.990 / 5  (201 votes)
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Pulled one in the prerelease playing Selesnya. My god. Each time I dropped this the game was just over, right there.

I'm lucky it never got killed, because I didn't read the text very carefully. I assumed it worked like Journey to Nowhere where you just get the creatures right back on the field. No, it's way better than that. It's like a Journey that turns into an Unsummon when it dies. And it hits 3 creatures instead of 1. And it's a 5/6 flier.

Absolutely awesome.
Posted By: Pinto331 (9/29/2012 10:39:26 PM)


The ability on this card, although not new, is so lovable by the sole fact that it's multiplied by 3.
So much idea comes into mind when one reads this card, that makes it so great!
That alone is a 5/5 for me (as a guy who loves constructing decks, casual, fun, competitive, combo or whatever! This forces creativity!)
Posted By: Dabok (9/30/2012 9:00:55 AM)


It might see play in standard; elesh norn did, and both cost 7, albeit elesh norn was probably better and also was more synergistic with one way to get them out (play mana dorks, ramp to elesh norn and she turns them all into threats while semi-plague winding).
Posted By: mdakw576 (10/2/2012 5:48:25 AM)


Funny idea based on the ruling. Cast her, let her ability trigger, then Cloudshift her before it resolves. 3 cards exiled permanently, then 3 more cards exiled when she comes back.
Posted By: Loati (10/6/2012 7:51:28 AM)


Why is this card so under rated it's solid
Posted By: Shredmonster (10/6/2012 2:29:47 PM)


The current rating is probably reflective of people that think this is overpowered. This can easily win the game even if it is removed on the next turn.

Posted By: Purplerooster (10/8/2012 4:52:19 PM)


I get that it is white's version of card advantage personified, but the price tag seems a wee bit ridiculous to me. I'm almost expecting there to be some ridiculous standard combo that leads to crazy early wins.
Posted By: TheManakinTransfer (10/13/2012 2:36:46 AM)


So awesome, it'll make my reanimator slot amazing =}O Grizzie, Craterhoof, Necropolis Regent, drogskol reaver, and that's just a fraction of the solid choices XD
Posted By: Atalas (10/16/2012 7:30:50 PM)


If only there were some sort of catch phrase which could describe the speed at which she imposes serenity on the battlefield. An exclamation, if you will.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (10/20/2012 6:12:33 PM)


Our group refers to this card as "Bullsh*t Angel". Basically, This card is good, in standard at least, I don't know about in other formats, although I've yet to see it played, I'm assuming if you drop this in limitied you pretty much win the game (Except perhaps vs. Pack Rat or something retarded like that).

First of all, there's the raw card advantage. You're up one creature and they're potentially down three. That's a 4 for 1. Also, it's pretty safe, when it dies, the creatures it eats don't just go back into play like other similar cards (Eg Fiend Hunter and Oblivion Ring), and even then you can turn it into a net advantage if you grab dudes from your graveyard. The fact that it gets rid of tokens forever is also nice.
Versitility is also a pretty good point of this card. You can hit up to three dudes, meaning if there's nother you want to hit, you don't have to. The graveyard thing gets your dudes back, and occasional... (see all)
Posted By: Kurraga (10/28/2012 11:05:18 AM)


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