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Community Rating: 3.990 / 5  (201 votes)
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I got this card in my first RTR Booster Pack
Posted By: xxXEliteXxx (11/1/2012 5:57:10 PM)



Damn. Solid stuff.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (11/7/2012 3:59:00 PM)


Why is this rated less than 4? It should at least be around 4.3 - 4.5....... whatever, y'all downrating it are a bunch of retarded haters. Also, this is pretty much as Boros as you're gonna get without a watermark.
Posted By: Goatllama (11/8/2012 5:33:42 PM)


i think its necesary to add/change, in the ruling section, that:
" If Angel of Serenity leaves the battlefield before its enters-the-battlefield ability has resolved, its leaves-the-battlefield ability will trigger and do nothing. Then the enters-the-battlefield ability will resolve and exile the targeted creatures and/or creature cards indefinitely."

probably will be better to explain, that they are only exiled if the controler of ability decides to exile them, the do it or not, its (as u known) always done on the resolution.

So if it dies before first trigger resolves, he can decide to not exile any target at all.

the actual oracle ruling is causing problems with my local players.

Thanks for your attention.

P.D. Fiend hunter has the same problem.
Posted By: E_Leal (11/9/2012 7:49:31 PM)


How does this work flavourwise?... She imprisons the creatures and corpses in another dimension, that disappears when she dies, and they return to their original planes, ready to be summoned again? That's the only way I can get this to make sense, especially that return to hand thing doesn't make immediate sense from a Vorthos perspective to me, does anyone know exactly what she does? Maybe she imprisons them in that staff?
Posted By: Sironos (11/13/2012 3:23:16 PM)


Oddly, I used to think she wasn't worth it until I saw that the returned stuff always goes back to the player's hand. But that's just me and my luck with playing big creatures - something horrible always happens to the poor buggers.
Posted By: psychichobo (11/19/2012 2:17:59 PM)


Now this is a great non-legendary mythic creature. Relatively expensive, a decent body, and impacting on the field.

Remember guys, not every mythic now has to be a Thundermaw.
Posted By: Kura-san (11/29/2012 2:24:21 AM)


Angel of Sith Lords.
Posted By: sylvis (12/3/2012 4:06:40 PM)


I tap 7 Angel of Serenity, pass turn. I tap 3 Murder, tap 1 Gravecrawler, tap 1 Diregraf Ghoul, tap 2 Blood Artist, pass turn.
Posted By: MakeshiftMage (12/5/2012 8:00:30 PM)


Natural progression states Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite --> Angel of Serenity. #StandardRotationMadeEasy
Posted By: Hunted0Lesser (12/30/2012 9:17:58 PM)


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