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Community Rating: 3.990 / 5  (201 votes)
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A flying fattie with removal, 'nuff satid.
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/5/2013 7:13:45 AM)


I literally started playing just a week ago, and got this in my first booster pack.
Posted By: andrewD1324 (1/10/2013 9:11:25 AM)


Should really have returned them to the battlefield. Returning them to their owner's hand is overly devastating to the opponent for the cost and P/T attached to this monstrosity.
Posted By: Nagoragama (2/5/2013 1:29:14 AM)


I assume you are trying to point out that it is not strong. In your example, all the creatures were 2 or less mana cost. Imagine if they were even just around 3 or 4 mana each. On top of that, this card can get your own creatures out of your graveyard. This card is really strong.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/12/2013 6:44:08 AM)


This card has won me so many matches...play her in both U/W/R control and esper control as a one-of and have never regretted it.
Posted By: b0n3Machine (8/6/2013 7:36:02 AM)


I kinda wanna run this with Séance.
Posted By: NARFNra (8/16/2013 3:45:25 PM)


Pro tip: Mana ramp in a Bant wizards style deck let you guys figure out the combos or mana ramp again comboing with in and out major effects of black white. Think about it. Sweeps alot of tier 1 decks by surprise. Don't let the 3 white scare you.
Posted By: TapCutTony (10/29/2013 12:33:32 AM)


I run her in every EDH deck I own that runs W and have never regretted it. It's also shocking how often I've pinned something from my own graveyard under her. It discourages people a lot when killing her will get two of their creatures back at the cost of an earlier bomb they worked to get rid of. That ability also works beautifully with Conjurer's Closet. Easily 5/5 stars from me.
Posted By: VirusVescichetta (12/15/2013 6:53:13 PM)


Posted By: Reishyn (12/19/2013 6:02:47 AM)


I got this card from a random "grab bag" at my local card shop and I've used it from day one. However, until just the other day I've been misreading it all along and letting my friends/opponents get their creatures back on the battlefield when she dies, which is wrong. That's okay, she just got even better for me :)

Also, how do none of the top comments mention the art? Aleksi Briclot did an incredible job on this one. I struggle on where to start critiquing it. I absolutely love what I think is the perfect contradiction (maybe contrast is the better word) between the atmosphere of tranquility and the display of power, or reserved power, I should say. I think the best thing I can say about this card is that Briclot did, in my opinion, the perfect job of creating a flavor and environment that matches the name of the card, yet gave her two badass looking swords as if to say: "I'm all about peace, but mess with me and it's on, mofo."
I think I should just leave it at that. Simplicity is ... (see all)
Posted By: FarisV (12/26/2013 8:02:23 AM)


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