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Community Rating: 3.205 / 5  (61 votes)
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This actually has an hilarious use in modern - I have just copied a deck someone built using this, ghoulcaller's bell and lantern of insight to create a top deck control lock. Basically, the lantern lets you always see your opponents top card. Any time it is a threat (i.e. a non-land card, or anything that can damage you), you make them put it into the graveyard, leaving them with an endless mana flood and a hand full of support cards with nothing to support. I just used it on my brother's soul sisters deck and the rage quit was epic!
Posted By: lonedonkey (6/24/2013 1:20:12 PM)


Really powerful in 40k tournaments.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/11/2013 1:38:28 PM)


I am baffled by how low this is rated. Its a Colorless permanent for 4 extra. Now from a glance, I can understand why that might seem horrible (obviously) but the people who rated this card clearly aren't looking at the bigger picture: artifacts have the most reanimator potential next to creatures. Take Arcbound Reclaimer, Auriok Salvagers, and Salvaging Station as examples.

And in a world where "artifacts matter" it doesn't hurt to have around to trigger metalcraft, Energy, and the like.

The fact that you can use this over the long haul, to strategically "ping" your opponents top card to counter tutors of that sort, not to mention any of your own shenanigans, is not testament to the wonders this card offer.

For my own deck, I personally love this with Rings of Brighthearth.
Posted By: Tsuichoi (11/17/2013 6:48:41 AM)


This card is quite underestimated, especially now with all the scry in theros, will make them think twice as more likely than not they're gonna be losing the card if on top their library.
Posted By: snaketip (11/24/2013 8:02:22 AM)


What makes this card is the fact that its first effect doesn't cost any mana. If your opponent has top deck strategies this thing is always reading. You can tap out as much as you want and the codex is still a threat.

If your opponent doesn't use top deck strategies it happily mills once a turn without taking any of your resources.
Posted By: Moxxy (12/12/2013 9:37:44 PM)


Goodbye scry!
Posted By: Cloudchaser.Kestrel (12/26/2013 7:37:41 PM)


How did I miss this card? I was all over the spoiler! Going straight into my Glissa EDH deck...
Posted By: BlakeHN (1/20/2014 2:41:39 AM)


Looks like a Leonin with grills!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/20/2014 12:25:41 PM)


Scry killer.
Posted By: GaryAlfred (1/24/2014 6:18:04 PM)


I'm surprised nobody is pointing out the combo with Time Ebb. It gives blue a 3 mana removal.
Posted By: confusedTurtle (5/1/2014 6:24:28 AM)


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