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Community Rating: 3.827 / 5  (104 votes)
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@NickDay: Because this is one card, not 3.
Posted By: Emperorerror (11/17/2012 11:13:22 PM)


I find it really funny that everyone who claims this is the best card ever and those who claim it is the worst get low ratings. Only the people who actually say that it's decent get high ratings.

It makes sense, but it's still funny to me.
Posted By: SIlverSkyz (12/2/2012 3:00:25 PM)


I love this card. It might not be the most powerful 3-drop, but the fact that this is common is fantastic.
Posted By: RiftenBlack (12/28/2012 11:56:14 PM)


This is great! Especially for common.
As it has been said, it's effective against aggro since it slows them down quite considerably. Not only do you gain life, but you also get a 3/3 to kill off/defend against their early aggressive critters.
It is also not that bad when you're playing aggro yourself, since in aggro (ironically in aggro you don't care about your own life) you'll want to win the race for damage dealt, this card slows your enemy's progress and it's 3/3 body can go to the offense next turn.
I love this card.
Posted By: Dabok (9/27/2012 9:41:00 AM)


awesome for common! a 3/3 beater for 3cmc is cool and the life gain helps to win the race.
Posted By: RJStCroix (10/7/2012 2:02:38 PM)


It's a shame that he can't be populated without the help of something like Cackling Counterpart, but this guy will net you 6 life and a 3/3 creature for 1GW if you've got Trostani, Selesnya's Voice in play.
Posted By: TzarChasm (11/28/2012 4:55:50 PM)


I wish they had made it a 3/3 token priced at either Green or WhiteGreen or WhiteGreen or White or 2GreenWhite so populate could abuse the life gain.
Posted By: BraveSirPatrick (10/2/2012 7:09:14 AM)


Meh card is meh. It does have enough power to wipe out a moderate creature and enough toughness to withstand many smaller creatures. The lifegain basically makes it two ways of stopping an opponent for a while but this card just isn't that super. I'm sure it will be fine in Standard but I don't see this seeing much use in any other format, besides maybe pauper.
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/11/2012 6:51:19 AM)


i laugh heartily at life gain abilities ever since i discovered how god awful those "gain 1 life whenever you cast a ___ spell" artifacts were (see Wurm's Tooth). im sure no one would complain if this was just a vanilla 3/3 for 3. i guess adding the 3 life is a little bonus, but pretty much irrelevant.
Posted By: ToAsTy42o (9/30/2012 11:36:01 PM)


Decent. I suppose you will play this mostly in an aggro deck, and in aggro decks, life ain't that relevant. But it's ok.
Posted By: majinara (9/26/2012 1:54:53 AM)


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