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Community Rating: 4.176 / 5  (68 votes)
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Next time your opponent drops this on you in limited to foil your win, tell him to go Fog himself.
Posted By: bowlofgumbo (8/2/2012 12:54:36 AM)


I love fog. Green wouldn't be green without it. At the least, you can use it to buy yourself more time to build a strategy without needing to chump block. The best is when your opponent swings everything considering the game over, you tap your one mana for this, and then swing next turn with their field entirely open for the win.

And undergroundmonorail, who in their right mind cares that a card that hasn't been printed before or since alliances is strictly better than fog?
Posted By: Wurmcaller (7/15/2012 3:24:34 PM)


My favorite thing to with this card is to use, overrun, then follow up with a fog for the opponents retaliation.
Posted By: KnoLawjick (8/22/2012 2:53:52 PM)


I have won many a game because of this card over the years.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/2/2012 11:05:51 PM)


Strictly worse than Undergrowth.
Posted By: undergroundmonorail (7/8/2012 7:17:31 AM)


Solid card. Glad its back.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (9/4/2012 2:37:30 AM)


One of the most heavily played instants in my playgroup.
Posted By: Arcesious (6/25/2013 9:11:32 AM)


Fog is one of those cards that so rarely sees competitive play, and yet packs a punch in Limited and just "feels powerful." Perhaps not exciting, but I still like it.

It's because in competitive play, people tend to use more planned decks that are likely to (if they win) win by more than one turn, usually wrecking your side of the board or establishing themselves overwhelmingly via one method or another. Fog generally won't help you if your opponent has used removal to wreck your side of the board, or if they're using a big powerful combo, or if they're finishing you off with direct damage or anything like that.

Whereas limited games tend to involve decks thrown together with as many decent creatures as people could grab, so they're much more likely to come down to one big swing which, if fogged, will give your own horde of creatures a chance to swing in return for game. Combos, direct damage, removal and so on are not generally reliable strategies in Limited -- even though... (see all)
Posted By: Aquillion (2/21/2014 11:32:10 AM)


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