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Community Rating: 4.407 / 5  (362 votes)
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i remember seeing the final match in this modern tournament, hexproof aura selesnia versus america control, selesnia started with a 2 win lead, but man that america player. the america player still won, they sided in a few things, its hard to deal with engineered explosives in a control players hand when all your cards cost 1...
Posted By: Quotations (1/24/2014 5:15:30 AM)


Rancor+Harobbi, Deaths Wail= RAPE
Posted By: DarkSteelSentinel (3/1/2014 3:41:19 PM)


Building a casual simic deck:
Me: "The only thing my deck is really missing is trample"
Friend: "Put in rancor"
Me: "It doesn't really synergize with anything though. What about the trample ring?"
Friend: "You mean the bad ring from the cycle of bad rings? No. Put in rancor."
Me: "But I my deck is based around fathom mage and sage of fables and gyre sage. The counters are really useful."
Friend: "No. Put in rancor."
Me: "Okay..."

Playtest once.

Me: "Wow this is dumb."
Posted By: jonrds (3/12/2014 7:42:29 PM)


@DarkSteelSentinel: that doesn't work the way you think it does. When you cast rancor, Horobi's ability will trigger, and the creature will die. Rancor will be countered due to having an illegal target and go to the graveyard. Since it never gets onto the battlefield in the first place, it is never put into a graveyard from the battlefield. Screams from Within does do what you want except it's not voluntary and doesn't cost mana (and will kill Horobi after killing everything else).

This card is so insane. Unless your opponent has instant-speed removal the turn you cast it, you'll get damage and value out of it. Facing down a Rancor'd Kird Ape, or worse, a Porcelain Legionnaire just feels bad all over.

If rancor resolves with no killspell, it is rare that it doesn't cause a two-for-one and get in at least 4 damage in addition. Up there with Vampire Nighthawk, and Path to Exile on t... (see all)
Posted By: Aremath (3/21/2014 5:04:35 AM)


The card that briefly made GW Hexproof a deck to beat in Modern. Well, Daybreak Coronet was the MVP of the deck, but without this the deck may never have surfaced.
Posted By: Continue (4/8/2014 8:47:53 PM)


This card really needs new art.
Posted By: troll_berserker (4/25/2014 1:26:21 AM)


Hello there, Eidolon of Blossoms.
Posted By: Jhyrryl (5/1/2014 10:57:59 AM)


Gatherer is trying to tell me something, taking me from Hyena Umbra to here in in one move...

One of the best Enchantments in the game, and possibly the best Aura, here's to hoping its back in M15

4.5/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (6/5/2014 7:54:03 AM)


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