The 610.3a rule only applies to versions templated with the "until" version such as Banisher Priest, as you can tell form the beginning of the 610.3 rules section where it states that the rule and subrules only apply to the "until" template. Since the enters play and leaves play are part of the same ability, this prevents the new versions from working similar to Oblivion Ring, but does not affect the way Oblivion Ring works in any way. I was somewhat confused about that part after I read your comment, but after consulting with a Judge, he confirmed that Oblivion Ring et al still indeed work the same.
Posted By:
(7/13/2013 8:24:48 AM)
Obviously a great card. Don't forget, this combos in-set with Worldfire. Just play Oblivion Ring on your own creature, then Worldfire gets you your creature back and puts your opponent at one life. If your guy has haste, then it's game over.
Posted By:
(7/9/2012 11:29:01 AM)
Can make for some fun situations with Planar Cleansing
Posted By:
(7/8/2012 1:30:02 PM)
I wish it said "may".
If your opponent has used his Oblivion Ring on your Oblivion Ring, and you want to overload a cyclonic rift, well your oblivion ring is going to end up hurting you, because your forced to target one of your own things.
Posted By:
(1/30/2013 4:29:35 AM)
Detention Sphere is rated lower than this even though it's much more useful. Strange.
Posted By:
(5/8/2013 2:41:16 PM)
There are no comments yet for this card (or rating). Be the first!
Posted By:
(7/5/2012 8:03:51 PM)
One of the most useful removal spells in the game today. I know this because I am a pro.
Posted By:
(9/3/2012 10:08:35 PM)
Strictly worse than Journey to Nowhere.
Posted By:
(12/27/2013 7:12:27 AM)
I call them Oreos. :3
Anyway, the ring got even better with M13, thanks to Worldfire and, to a lesser extent, Planar Cleansing. Just a shame Raging Goblin was'nt reprinted, it could've gone well with Krenko.
Posted By:
(11/3/2012 1:40:53 AM)
Yeah! Finally, sheningans with bouncing O-Ring before the exile ability is resolved are no longer possible!
It was time!!!
O-Ring, F*CK YOU!
@Zher0, from the same update:
To fix this, rule 610.3a says that the initial one-shot effect that moves the object won't move it if the specified event that returns it has already occurred. So, the "stack loophole" doesn't work.
In other words: if the effect that exile the object occurs after the one that returns it, it doesn't work.
What you reported means that O-Ring and similar cards don't gain any wording update. They continue to do what they did, but the rules has changed... Actually, the Bullettin is quite confusing in this point: I had to read 3-4 times before properly understand it...
What upset me is that they have to create an entirely new rule only for those cards, instead of errata them. Both way, you can't really tell what they do, reading the... (see all)
Posted By:
(8/22/2013 11:44:02 AM)