Yay, the text got bigger :D
Posted By:
(7/5/2012 9:51:43 PM)
Come on, it has another combo.
Use it to exile Near-Death Experience then cast Worldfire. At your next turn... it's instant win.
Posted By:
(7/12/2012 6:57:40 AM)
O-ring is for sure the Swiss Army Knife, it's been the iconic white removal spell since its inception in Lorwyn, the emphatic answer to nearly every situation in Magic. But that flexibility comes at a price - both a timing restriction price and a converted mana cost price. Maybe I play more than the average bro looking through Gatherer, but I certainly don't run Oblivion Rings in every white deck I make. There's just so many terrific answers in white, many of them situationally more powerful than O-ring.
If you're that guy who's running 4 O-ring as three-mana creature removal maybe it's time to consider the playset of Unmake or who knows even Path to Exile. There's always Revoke Existence and Celestial Purge but those are more likely sideboard cards.
Posted By:
(7/25/2012 5:02:36 PM)
Remember: In multiplayer, you don't announce the target until AFTER the ring is in play. This can save you from pesky countermagic.
Posted By:
(7/27/2012 5:00:03 PM)
Booster draft must have been a total mess when this was common.
The fact that it's any non-land permanent makes this a powerhouse and the fact that it's an enchantment makes people playing red or black die a little on the inside as their is basically gone forever.
Posted By:
(8/2/2012 11:55:44 AM)
One of my most favorite cards. I never play a white deck without 4 of these. It'd ticked my friend so many times, he played Thought Hemorrhage and named O ring, which I had 3 in my hand :/
Posted By:
(8/8/2012 2:35:12 PM)
i hate it when my opponent oblivion ring my oblivion ring -_- zzzzzzz
Posted By:
(9/5/2012 9:05:09 AM)
Target your Armada Wurm with Oblivion Ring, and then kill the ring with Sundering Growth?
Yes, no?
Posted By:
(9/30/2012 11:50:22 AM)
Although the art isn't bad at all, new art would've been cool.
However, why fix what isn't broken, right?
Hey, I'm talking to you, Goblin Piker.
Posted By:
(12/30/2012 10:41:47 PM)
Black had spot removal before it was cool
Posted By:
(3/15/2013 9:42:25 AM)