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This card is nuts! Nutsy-ier than Nuts. Its amazing. You want a combo? One of dozens of functional remakes of Sleight of Mind/Magic Hack. Playing against a Black Deck? Then reword "Sacrifice a Swamp" to "Sacrifice a Plains". Playing against a non-Black deck. Well now they have to sacrifice a swamp to play their spells. Even against multicolor decks that can pay the awkward cost of this text-changed card, its extremely difficult to stop this lock once its out.
Posted By: kitsunewarlock (1/3/2010 11:27:01 PM)


Man, early color hosers were just mean.
Posted By: Tanaka348 (11/30/2009 11:50:21 PM)


Don't need a combo.
Posted By: jumpingjacked (10/13/2009 10:47:00 AM)


I can't think of a decent combo.
Posted By: mrredhatter (10/7/2009 6:27:06 AM)


The Oracle wording for Drought as of 3/28/12 is awful:
Spells cost an additional "Sacrifice a Swamp" to cast for each black mana symbol in their mana costs.

How about:
As an additional cost to cast a spell, its caster must sacrifice a Swamp for each black mana in that spell's mana cost.
Posted By: WizardsFamiliar (3/28/2012 10:24:06 AM)


Mind Bend. You can either replace the "black" in "black mana symbol" or the "Swamp" in "Sacrifice a Swamp" and watch your opponent writhe in horror.
Posted By: Continue (8/22/2013 7:41:47 PM)


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