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This card is literally blinding in the undead deck. And the flavor text is glorious.
Posted By: Goatllama (12/2/2011 3:03:10 PM)


Don't spend your 6+3W on this, spend it on Iona, Shield of Emeria. Iona even has a larger body.
Posted By: RunedServitor (1/10/2012 4:23:38 PM)


It entirely depends on whether your opponent has enough power on the board to kill you already. Iona, Shield of Emeria isn't going to help you so much there.
Posted By: Ragamander (1/11/2012 11:54:59 PM)


I got this guy out with a piper on turn five the other day, had a favor of the mighty and a lightning greaves.

My playgroup banned me from playing this card ever again.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (3/9/2012 3:03:32 PM)


I've had this and Linvala on the battlefield against a mono blue counter/control deck. He had all his lands tapped. I played Iona. He got a taste of his own medicine. Threw his hand down and glared at me. They don't like it up em!
Posted By: DanWhite23 (5/5/2012 6:36:23 PM)


I am VERY happy that green has Plummet
Posted By: Bogmire (6/21/2012 5:57:58 AM)


Expensive Mana cost, But Well worth it if you can get it on the field.
Posted By: asskicker123456789 (9/12/2012 9:22:28 AM)


TheWrathofShane........Platinum angel does nothing against eldrazi since you will eventually have to sac her. This card stops the annih. ability altogether. Awesome card, but the mana cost is high. It seems you would need to entomb/exhume this to get it out quick enough to really be effective or rely on ramp. Thinking of using this in my blue/white control deck, but I don't have black to exhume it or green to ramp. Not sure it will make the cut.
Posted By: kalel91981 (11/13/2012 3:44:27 PM)


Platinum Angel is better.

Thats one case where archon would be better. Another would be the titan cycle, and whatnot. You have a valid argument, but the angel is 2 cheaper in colorless. Also the angel is a false sense of security, were as the archon is lockdown. More often then not they will just let you reach negative life and then use spot removal.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/26/2012 5:52:15 AM)


I played against a decking deck with this card and a Defy Death. After being forced to discard Blazing Archon, I soon happened upon the other. The price was now five mana and not nine and I was able to win.

But because of how Defy Death works, I will agree that it would be just as useful on the Platinum Angel. Especially since the two +1/+1 counters (for being an angel) would bring it to the same power as Blazing Archon.
Posted By: DoctorSeymour (1/2/2013 2:24:31 PM)


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