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Gives Norin the Wary intimidate... the irony.
Posted By: Leonin_Kha_Cameron (6/2/2012 7:50:58 AM)


I like her more for Blue-Black Zombies than for Ninjas. I already have the skeleton of a Zombie token horde for multiplayer, she'll fit right in with the Diregraf Captains.

Phasing does not trigger enter or leave the battlefield effects, this is different from when Phasing was first printed in Mirage, I'm not exactly sure when they made the change, but Phasing is really not abusable anymore.
Posted By: Atali (6/15/2012 11:23:47 PM)


Sigh. She's good, and a good general for Ninja decks. But she lacks panache. She's an enchantment that reads "It's slightly easier for you to win", not a Commander.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (5/31/2012 6:16:52 PM)


Suits a Ninja Commander deck fine. She's always there to be cast, and makes your ninjas unblockable, and their bouncing in and out makes more pain for your opponents. Just about the only downside is the mana cost, and the fact that she isn't a ninja.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (5/31/2012 8:35:00 PM)


I love the comments about hows she isn't a good commander or not a ninja commander she gives ALL your creatures intimidate too. The losing life thing is a benefit not the focus of the card.
Posted By: sincarnation (6/14/2012 3:22:28 PM)


So I'm trying to determine if this is a good card or not. I mean for Commander, not for other formats. So the first ability matches Bellowing Tanglewurm's ability except this gives intimidate to all your creatures regardless of their color. Another card I can compare that ability to is Cover of Darkness. A good, yet narrow card. Personally I would use cover of darkness over her in a ninja deck but that isn't what we are looking at. But the closest enchantment would be Intimidation. Now I know intimidate is often considered better then fear. But I would disagree with you. Sure, Moonlace makes your creature with intimidate unblockable by everything except for artifacts, but are you really going to use a slot in your deck for that card? I didn't think so. Plus for each color your creature is it becomes more and more likely that they are going to be blocked.
So I ask again. Is Giving all your creatures int... (see all)
Posted By: Yozuk (5/31/2012 8:28:39 PM)


I'd really prefer it if she gave Fear. An Intimidating Fusion Elemental is practically the same. But a Fear-full one would be, potentially, quite scary indeed.
Posted By: Tiggurix (6/1/2012 10:27:06 AM)


I don't know about you guys, but I'm waiting to hear more on this Vela/Krond rivalry
Posted By: pedrodyl (6/2/2012 12:15:29 PM)


I've been thinking of a way to have fun with her....Teferi's Veil, or Teferi's Realm...phasing is going to make a comeback. Her wording is such that if you choose creatures, and you have 5 in play, that's 5 life per opponent!
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (6/4/2012 12:00:01 PM)


she should have been a ninja.
Posted By: Jayquaz (6/5/2012 9:30:59 PM)


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