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I just wanted to use this as a way to a apologize to the gentleman that I played in the pre-release at Dice Dojo. It was an honest mistake of RFTC when I bounced my Pursuit of Flight. I only now realized the mistake that neither of us caught. I'm not sure how it would have changed the game, but nevertheless I'm sorry. It was just one of several instances of me using Cyclonic Rift wrong all night. (How embarrassing it was to find out that the Overload cost was not in addition to the actual casting cost 3 games into the tournament...)
Posted By: Agent1103 (9/30/2012 4:45:26 PM)


Hmmm, how exactly did this pass the testing?
What is it with blue cards that drives WotC's r&d insane?
Posted By: AncientTimer (10/4/2012 2:00:36 PM)


I have just open one , instant speed lol !
Posted By: MojoVince (10/5/2012 2:37:40 AM)


Oh, man this is going to be a blow-out win card in Commander!
Posted By: Radagast (10/5/2012 5:56:27 PM)


I wonder how long it will take people to start abusing this with Tamiyo's ultimate?
Posted By: MechaKraken (10/6/2012 10:06:19 AM)


Because it is a relatively narrow card (compared to Unsummon in a creature-heavy format), this is a 2-of in my UR deck. Goblin Electromancer helps its cost out a lot. However I may end up going 4-of (instead of two Unsummon) because whenever I cast this, it makes a massive impact on the game and I end up winning. Overload is auto-win if cast at the end of opponents turn. Works very well in conjunction with counterspells (Ban Cavern, WotC! Can't stand another year of it!). 4.5/5
Posted By: Weisse (10/7/2012 6:56:41 PM)


This is gonna be one hell of a motha in Standard against those playing tokens...
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (10/7/2012 11:08:52 PM)


Tamiyo, the Moon Sage says hi to infinite soft lock
Posted By: klauth (10/12/2012 8:06:36 AM)


This + Reforge the Soul ... = Great way to boardwipe :B
Posted By: SauceyCoffee (10/12/2012 9:09:36 AM)


If your opponent has 7 mana and is in blue, you better have a way to deal with this before you do anything. This is just a monster of a card.
Posted By: RedAtrocitus (10/12/2012 1:10:19 PM)


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