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Community Rating: 3.423 / 5  (71 votes)
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1 Sphere of Safety- Pay 1 to attack.
2 Spheres of Safety- Pay 4 to attack.
3 Spheres of Safety- Pay 9 to attack. etc.
Nice synergy with itself and this assumes you have no other enchantments which you probably will.
Posted By: Purplerooster (10/7/2012 8:39:31 PM)


green white aura gnarlid decks could seriously abuse this cards effect, five stars
Posted By: Rasher (10/8/2012 3:55:57 PM)



Exactly what I had in mind with my unfinished Azorius stall deck. Sphere + Nevermore or Detention Sphere (or in my case, both) should keep people from attacking my Jace AoT. Hope it works out.
Posted By: DeFectiveDeity (10/8/2012 7:41:56 PM)


I believe this combos with Sphere of Safety.
Posted By: Emperorerror (11/10/2012 11:15:06 AM)


Sphere of safety's favorite type of evening is an Enchanted Evening .
Posted By: Epimithius (9/25/2012 11:26:14 PM)


Not by any stretch the best Moat-effect. But it's not the worst either. It's cool. :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/28/2012 9:49:35 PM)


Pros like me consider this a welcome addition to our enchantment decks.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/27/2012 8:30:10 PM)


I have two of these in a U/W control-mill deck for Standard, and it's beyond funny when you load the board with other enchantments. To name a few:

Oblivion Ring
Chronic Flooding
Detention Sphere
Curse of the Bloody Tome
Righteous Authority

Sideboard candidates:
Curse of Exhaustion

All completely standard legal as of posting and all effective in their own right. Sure it might be a slow deck, but with cards like Jace's Phantasm + Hover Barrier to form a cheap defence, Sphinx's Revelation + Think Twice to keep the ball rolling for your hand and Syncopate + Dissipate to dictate what gets played, you're in for a fun game.

Also, Azor's Elocutors. You know you wa... (see all)
Posted By: Hyperviper (10/20/2012 6:54:29 PM)


why is this rated so low? this thing is super powerful in limited if you can get at least 4 other enchantments. and it's now a staple in enchantress.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (11/3/2012 5:41:37 PM)


It's rated low because, on its own, its an overcosted, less effective Ghostly Prison. Of course, you generally wouldn't put this deck to play it on its own (otherwise you would just run Ghostly Prison), but with 2 evenly matched decks answering each other's threats consistently... this would be one they wouldn't need to answer.

In casual though its fun to get this out alongside Enchanted Evening. Outside of infinite mana combos or insane ramp (or actually getting rid of either enchantment) they're not going to be attacking... ever.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (12/18/2012 11:28:35 AM)


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