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Posted By: Pchel666 (5/24/2012 5:50:24 PM)


Relentless rats is relentless.
Posted By: dberry02 (5/11/2012 3:43:36 PM)


5/5 just for the amazingly spectacular art.

@Mike-C lol, why are you creeped out? It's pretty and cute. (Pretty abnormal for Innistrad, actually.)
Posted By: dlgn (5/18/2012 8:12:22 AM)


Absolutely amazing in tribal decks. I put a few in my zombie deck, and almost every turn after round 3 ended up with a free creature at the start of my turn. I've gotten free Vengeful Pharoahs, Geth, Lord of the Vault , Skin Renders, and other high cost zombies.

There is the obvious weakness that your opponent will soon learn your deck after this has been out a few turns, but being able to drop a fatty in the first few turns makes this almost broken in the right decks, especially those that make use of other cards in standard like Ponder for even more efficiency. Make sure you can protect it from removal, so your opponent won't spoil the fun!
Posted By: MechaKraken (5/26/2012 1:09:12 AM)



The story behind this card :).
Posted By: oafkad (6/6/2012 6:11:42 PM)


Make a green/white human and angel deck out of this with Call to Serve as the means of turning low drop human cards into angels. You could potentially have a Avacyn out turn 4 without even needing to ramp at all.
Turn 1: Land, Midnight Duelist or Avacyn's Pilgrim
Turn 2: Land, Call to serve
Turn 3: Land, Descendants Path
Turn 4: Whatever angel or human is on top of your deck to field.
Posted By: Ellidas (6/9/2012 2:15:38 PM)


Quick question, does this mean not only any creature card pulled that isn't a creature type under your control gets sent to the bottom of your library but also every other card as well, or is it just creatures? For example does this mean with this enchantment out you cannot pull any manna?? Or any sorcery's or any other spells? If so it would be good to enchant an opponent early on to stop them drawing any more mana, lol. Still think this card is Brill tho and plan to use it heavily in my angels deck. What do you guys think????
Posted By: alex_giblin (6/13/2012 2:59:57 AM)


@Alex: First, you cannot enchant an opponent with this card - it's not an Aura, so the effect only applies to you, the controller. Second, the effect applies only once per upkeep, not every time you draw a card. Since it always removes the revealed card from the top of your library, it doesn't even provide any sort of negative filtering effect (although it can undo positive filtering effects like Scry).

But to answer your original question, any card it reveals is either cast without paying its mana cost or put on the bottom of your library. There is no third option.
Posted By: Grumman (6/15/2012 6:50:32 AM)


Sweet, thats good to know, i was kinda worried for a sec lol
Posted By: cubby86 (7/5/2012 4:19:09 PM)


I'm always suspicious whenever an Enchantment starts offering up free creatures. Doesn't sit right with me. It's one of the few mechanics that's broken by itself. I mean, Eldrazi Spawn to Ulamog, Slivers to more Slivers, or Changelings to...anything. That just seems excessive for 3 mana, even if you only get one use.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (7/23/2012 1:46:11 PM)


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