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Community Rating: 3.958 / 5  (48 votes)
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123 >
Nvm. Just realized the card I listed doesn't work with this card.
Posted By: MadManChubChub (8/2/2013 10:22:54 AM)


@Silence9: I think I may have popped a blood vessel reading your comment. $600 spent on a single deck, and you can't figure out why this card is good? In the context of Innistrad/RTR Standard, this card was king. Mana ramp and fixing in the same card rarely costs any less than three mana, and in a format with many high-cost, multicolored cards like Prime Speaker Zegana and Sphinx's Revelation, this was a godsend. In tandem with Arbor Elf, you could ramp like there was no tomorrow. If you're knocking this card, you've obviously never stared down a turn 3 Thragtusk.
Posted By: Continue (10/12/2013 10:02:01 PM)


Swamp, Mountain, Island, Plains...
The four who are there...
bring them here...
Posted By: AzureLazuline (4/23/2014 1:55:40 PM)


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