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Community Rating: 4.050 / 5  (169 votes)
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@drpvfx: Wow, butthurt much? This isn't purely a graveyard block, it fosters a host of strategies. This card allows for other strategies to compete. Besides, this is nowhere near invincible. The block has plenty of artifact destruction.
Posted By: Totema (1/27/2012 5:06:15 PM)


Should have cost 2 at least. It's ironic that from a budget player's perspective, the only people that can afford this are the people who are actually running the expensive flashback decks.
Posted By: SgtSwaggr (2/9/2012 6:07:53 PM)


It seems more and more people really just don't know how to play Magic anymore. This card is MEH at best in slowing down Graveyard decks, even less so than Nihil Spellbomb and yet so many "players" are whining about how terrible this card is. Really? I think you kids are getting too spoiled with just wanting to Netdeck your next FNM winning deck and not having to worry about how to deal with cards and/or strategies that can make you lose. Magic is a game where thinking is involved to look at a situation and then finding a way to overcome it. I understand that a lot of folks here on The Gatherer are new players to the Magic: The Gathering universe, but you really need to step up with learning how to play the game. Magic is more Chess than Monopoly, you can win with one piece on the board if you know what you are doing.
Posted By: Ouroborobelisk (1/28/2012 8:48:58 AM)


Every Now and then, Wizards will whip up a new card that single handedly destroys one type of deck or another; like how Oversoul of Dusk makes Grixis decks weep, Shattering Spree shat in the moths of artifact decks, and the only thing that hates Dovescape more than I do is my Izzet deck.

This cards single-handedly murders recursion decks. Read it and weep, Skaab Ruinator; sob, shrivel, tremble in fear! READ IT AND WEEP! I WANT YOU CRYING WHEN YOU'RE DIRTY AT THE FRONT OF ME!!!
Posted By: DaMaster012 (1/29/2012 7:49:30 PM)


The people whining about it ruining their decks don't realize that those decks take no skill to build or play. I have a reanimator deck that does just fine with this card in play. Maybe you should use your brain and do the same. There's nothing wrong with niche counter cards.
Posted By: Shard_Fenix (1/27/2012 8:50:56 PM)


A friend of mine has a deck build around the idea of sending expensive cards to the grave from his hand and bringing them back from the grave to the field via revival cards; this deck has yet to be beaten by any of my other friends( even when they all teamed up on him in a 5 man game). I went against this guy with my vamp deck and got close to beating him through my spamming of vampiric fury and blocking his 15/15s with my vampire nighthawks... unfortunately his stacked annaiolator 2 effects mana screwed me after the 2nd wave against his endless army lol....this card is perfect.
Posted By: Dozell (2/14/2012 3:46:07 PM)


You seem to be the one who needs to be corrected, not Salient. Wizards didn't design this card to combat Panglacial Wurm, but Birthing Pod. If it isn't entering the battlefield from your hand, chances are it is coming from the graveyard or library. Next time be QUITE sure before mocking a member who is. at least you are right about the flavor.

The card is undercosted. Said before, worth saying again. Dunno how much this will affect Standard, but I hate how it affects EDH, specifically for mono-black decks. The answers are just too few and far between. Maybe soon we'll get artifacts that hate the other colors as efficiently. I'll be looking for the 1 coster that can't be countered and says: Spells Can't be Countered.
Posted By: takenbyshadow (2/16/2012 12:22:14 AM)


This is a godsend card that finally gives players an edge over decks that are otherwise bullet-proof. It's very difficult to stop an early reanimate or other means. Sure, you won't likely survive against some turn 1 or turn 2 strategies if you can't get this onto the board quickly. However, when this does hit the board, it's finally a way to say "I don't think so," just as people who cheat Iona into play have done. It's hard to stop birthing pod strategies some times, or green sun's zenith, or sun titan. Sure there are ways to combat that, but it's not always viable to have an answer for each of those individual scenarios. I'd rather just have one answer -- an awesome artifact. Four of these and some Trinket Mages to fetch them? Don't mind if I do.
Posted By: igniteice (1/26/2012 11:03:54 PM)


Totally negates blue and black Innastrad!
Posted By: Valyant (1/27/2012 5:27:42 PM)


sideboards rejoice.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (2/8/2012 7:33:23 AM)


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