Many cards in magic have tempted me to make an account and comment, but I've always held back. But with this card, I MUST ask: If I resolve this, can I instantly Capsize all their permanents and Spell Burst anything they manage to play?
Posted By:
(7/17/2012 12:38:37 AM)
You will still have to pay the cost for Capsize's Buyback cost (as it is an additional cost). You will only be able to Spell Burst 0-CMC spells and without Buyback if you want it for free. Casting X spells without paying the mana cost leaves X at 0.
Posted By:
(7/18/2012 9:12:39 PM)
Umm... My johnny is grabbing and running, while spike is screaming "DON'T DO IT! IT'S NOT COMPETITIVE!"
Oooh, wait: Show and Tell. Put this down, then proceed to CAST emrakul for 0, and get your extra turn. Then World at War him. And just to *** your opponent off, cast some other broken **** on your first turn in the sequence.
Posted By:
(7/23/2012 8:45:45 PM)
First play Recycle then timestamp it with Reliquary Tower finally play Omniscience to play a s**t-ton of your deck for free.
Posted By:
(7/25/2012 9:33:37 AM)
@Narcomeba: I'm afraid it only lets you cast cards from your hand without paying costs, so casting the top card of your library still requires mana.
I think I just found a use for the otherwise terrible Mana's easier to get colours together than it would be for Sqaundered Resources (although that WOULD let you try Null Profusion), and provided you have six land available you can drop Seism, then this. I can see this easily being dropped as soon as your Lotus Bloom pops into play, especially if you run a few other mana producers (which {R} is great for). Point is that you can splash {R} for things like Seething Song instead of using mana accel, drop this early, then defend it with...well, itself. Or more precisely, the slew of counterspells that you'll undoubtedly have in your hand after dropping Tidings or whatever repeatedly.
So yeah, {U}/{R} Omnis... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/25/2012 2:54:04 PM)
It would be fun to play this card and then just keep drawing by using any of drawing sorcery/instant cards and end your game with Laboratory Maniac.
Posted By:
(7/25/2012 5:51:22 PM)
Actually it DOESN'T combo with either Sen Triplets or Future Sight/Magus of the Future because it specifically says "from your hand". Shame? Maybe. Still, I'm looking for every possible way to cheat this into play early on. Academy Rector is the safest bet and Lost Auramancers aren't bad either.
Posted By:
(7/29/2012 7:43:44 AM)
In a 1v1 EDH match I played yesterday, a friend of mine used a Show And Tell on turn one to put out a Rune-Scarred Demon, and I put this out. On my turn, I put out Orb of Dreams, Stasis and Chronatog. He wasn't very happy.
Posted By:
(7/29/2012 12:30:27 PM)
I feel like I've been cheated by Wizards. The card, while interesting, poses a massive problem. The only format I would ever consider using this card in would be EDH, and only because late game could have the possibility of waning into a more appealing direction. But other wise, the card sucks, it can be easily countered as well as being destoyed or straight up exiled. So many cards could instintly put this so called "win-condition" in the dirt. It's not like if you ramp up to ten with 3 or more blue, that it leaves much to the imagination in terms of what you were going to play, and I will either make you discard it or simply counter it. The card, while interesting, is usless. And once again, Wizards feels the need to give blue the shaft. R&D needs to get it together and take a long, hard look at the Realm of Illusion deck to get the feel of how a good blue user plays. A blue card should cost nothing more then the maximum of 5, and if that, so if the cost was lower, then maybe, but t... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/31/2012 8:52:59 PM)
Today, in a game of EDH, I had both this and Greater Good out. Needless to say, I always had creatures to play, and thus, cards to draw.
Posted By:
(7/31/2012 10:19:38 PM)