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On the one hand, I like her. Definately got some interesting ability. On the other hand... Her + ability doesn't protect her. Creatures and burn and the like can kill her just as easily as if she wouldn't have that ability. Yes, creatures die, but that can even be an advantage for the opponent. Some creatures have powerful "die" triggers, or you want them in your graveyard for other reasons, such as scavenge.

The -3 ability is great. But To use it even twice without her dying, you'd have to spend a total of four turns. That's a long time.

And the last ability is pretty unique and interesting. But also less powerful than many other commanders ultimates.
Posted By: majinara (10/15/2012 5:24:39 AM)


Sorin Markov :"Oh hi, you must be that new walker the boss called in. Ready for the big battle?"
Vraska: "Very. To show my loyalty I've vowed to destroy anyone foolish enough to attack me."
Sorin: "Nice. The boss cashed in a bunch of my loyalty to have me do a little mind control trick. I'll be deciding how our enemies attack."
Vraska: "Oh. So you'll just have them not attack at all?"
*Sorin pats Vraska on the shoulder and walks away chuckling*
Vraska: "Sorin? Sorin? ......uh-oh."
Posted By: RickT (10/8/2012 10:44:54 AM)


Haven't seen a planeswalker this solid (or attractive) since Gideon. Beautiful.

Also, I like to imagine a Darksteel Myr just following her around and randomly whacking her every now and then. 'Cause he can, just to be annoying.
Posted By: Goatllama (3/25/2013 8:47:48 PM)


I really like Vraska. I love Golgari, and this new planeswalker looks like so much fun! She's got a really flavorful backstory if you read DailyMTG, and the card itself looks very bomby and fun. She is just the way a planeswalker should be: fun, splashy, and not an overpowered "I win" card. I especially like her ultimate, in that it is really unique and powerful, but also easy to deal with by virtually any removal spell. Plus, she is very multiplayer friendly

5/5 for being a force to be reckoned with, but in a fun way!
Posted By: Superllama12 (9/28/2012 6:17:32 PM)


There are some great cards in this set for making sure those tokens get through such as Golgari Decoy, and Rogue's Passage.
Posted By: Ness64 (10/9/2012 12:58:16 AM)


Well I like the fact that she can blow up Nicol Bolas as soon as she hits the board. Eat it, elder dragon! And her ultimate has cool synergy with Rogue's Passage! It's more build-around than other walkers but she's definitely cool.
Posted By: Totema (9/25/2012 10:43:27 PM)


Good Lord. Am I dreaming?

+1 Attack me. I dare you.
-3 Almost a VindicateYe
-7 Populate if you can. Also works with Venser and cards like Artful Dodge

Yes, she kills everything except lands. 5/5
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (9/25/2012 5:57:31 PM)



And a ghostform
Posted By: HellkatOverlord (9/25/2012 6:06:22 PM)


Salience: The damage from Rakdos Charm isn't combat damage. All Rakdos charm accomplishes against these little dudes is bolting their controller.

This card seems better than it is on account of the fact that your opponent can usually just ignore it and then attack once you use the -3, but it's still nice and I really like that planeswalkers are starting to protect themselves more effectively than simply putting a chump blocker with no evasion onto the board each turn.
Posted By: admiraldanish (11/7/2012 3:44:06 PM)


Assassin gorgon planeswalker? (possibly from sisters of stone death?)
Anybody else feel like the tokens should have death touch for flavour?

And it would be cooler if her first ability made her a creature with p/t = loyalty, with first strike and deathtouch, naturally as an assassin; and they could nerf the second ability to just a creature so it's more fair.
Maybe even change the ultimate so she gets a solo assassin feel- like make make her permanently a creature with lose the game touch, removal touch, first strike and shroud to fit the assassin vibe? With a blinking effect to be like retreating into the shadows...until the next attempt. And it would come back in tapped so it's not like you sweep, bring it out and haste kill somebody. That would be lame flavour.
Posted By: Mr.Freshness-Timmy (10/23/2013 8:39:12 PM)


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