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Step 1 Green mana ramp
Step 2 this
Step 3 Door to nothingness

This card can be broken on so many levels.

Trying to get a playset while my store has them at 6$
Posted By: SirGarry (10/24/2012 11:55:32 AM)


That looks like "Green Lantern"...
Posted By: TheZombifier (11/29/2012 11:09:22 AM)


Am I the only one who thinks that the flavor text sounds like a stealth preview for a card from Gatecrash (or possible Dragon's Maze?)

Also, fantastic card. Pulled 2... Need to get a few more for my girlfriend's 4-color Soulbond deck, lol.
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (12/4/2012 11:31:51 AM)


I love this card for EDH. Just the other day my friend plays a blood moon with a smug look on his face (I had I think 1 basic land turn 4, with like 3-4 non basic as a Ghave general.) and I play this. I never even needed to counter his blood moon!

EDH gold, 5/5 for that format at least!
Posted By: ElliotSternberg (12/5/2012 6:54:03 AM)


This card is on the verge of being able to be called a 'strictly better' Joiner Adept. There are enough differences that you could say it's apples and oranges, but essentially, you're running either of them to fix your landbase. But if your landbase doesn't need fixing, what are you left with? A 2/1 creature that's for all intents and purposes vanilla, or a mana rock. Rarely would I want the 2/1 creature over the mana rock (at least in terms of EDH, which is the most likely place you'll see this card).

Throw in that its colorless (that is, can be used to fix *any* deck) and you've got a real winner.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (12/15/2012 6:54:35 AM)


Fantastic card... four of them can make worries about coloured mana obsolete.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (12/24/2012 1:44:51 AM)


Running four of these along with evolving wilds and some dual lands would make a five color deck quite do-able. Maybe those Conflux cards will come in handy. Domain is also looking pretty good next to the Ravnica shock-lands seeing as how they're two land types at once.
Posted By: Jojabi (1/4/2013 12:48:55 PM)


Flavor says it's for us. Master will be pleased. >:)
Posted By: handoflazav_414 (1/6/2013 12:50:21 PM)


@ lifegainwithbite

four would almost guarantee getting one quickly, but having just one on the field is all you should need.
Posted By: dishonored_python (1/14/2013 7:52:00 AM)


Posted By: chrome_dome (1/14/2013 8:32:00 AM)


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