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Heh, slap a False Demise on this guy and they'll pretty much have to exile him.

@land_comment: He's a wizard. That's why.
Posted By: Tiggurix (5/30/2012 3:20:17 PM)


One of my favorite legends in the game, his first name is my family's name. Plus he's got a decent enough body (2/4 flier) for 5 in blue (that was difficult to find in blue those days)...all around good deal with this guy. Then he also negates Aura's 2-for-1 drawback by recurring them from the yard (note, you can activate his UU ability in response to each other and get multiple auras back).

Fool's Demise and Unhallowed Pact bring him back from being removed. Angelic Destiny and Eldrazi Con***ion for sheer power. Verdant Embrace starts building an army on each upkeep. Righteous Authority give's him added fatness and builds your hand by 2 on each of your turns. You're also running blue so you have plenty of draw spells that can pitch your enchantments (Careful Study, Compulsive Research, etc).

There's no limit on his versatility as far as deck building goes. My copy Hakim goes front and center in my special-rare binder, followed by my set of Goyfs on the next page.
Posted By: Haelthor (10/25/2012 5:54:35 PM)


I think he could be pretty nifty with the new enchantment creature types if they could be brought back as auras. I'm not positive how that would work
Posted By: will2165 (1/16/2014 9:37:59 PM)


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