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Cute interaction with scavenge.
Posted By: RocketLobster (2/3/2013 1:08:32 PM)


The fact that this card is potentially one of the most powerful and versatile draw engines/beaters easily makes up for it being a turn four 1/1. Ok, so you take a gamble playing it in the current meta, but that's the meta's fault. Wizards should print more cards like this, not less.
Posted By: OrgasmandTea (2/4/2013 2:01:14 PM)


Laboratory Maniac, Corpsejack Menace, Primordial Hydra, Bioshift. Throw in some more scavenge, some mana ramp, people have already mentioned Increasing Savagery, Jarad's Orders, and then some Simic Charms to pace the other player/hexproof your stuff.

Enjoy the look of confusion on your opponent's face when you refuse to swing with the Hydra.
Posted By: Taudisban (2/8/2013 5:33:04 PM)


Forced Adaptation
2 cards every upkeep.
That is all.
Posted By: Fr33zurBurn (2/11/2013 4:06:27 PM)


Hm.. I think I need to rebuild my graft-proliferate deck..
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/20/2013 10:24:08 AM)


I got two of these cards. But one is a different picture and has a date printed on the bottom right hand corner. What is the difference?
Posted By: SmileDearSammi (2/22/2013 4:57:19 PM)


Time to build a new Doubling Season deck (with Hunting Triad).
Posted By: Dragonoth (2/22/2013 6:03:09 PM)


I love how she interacts with Lorescale Coatl. She gets a counter, you draw a card, and he also gets a counter! Mix in something like Ring of Kalonia (for her of course) and your board and card advantage will be hard to stop.
Posted By: Totema (2/24/2013 2:42:05 AM)


Pairs well with Forgotten Ancient
Posted By: AgentOfTezzert (3/11/2013 4:38:22 AM)


In my opinion, the Simic are the best designed guild in Gatecrash. Not ridiculously efficient like the Boros, nor frustratingly weak like the Dimir.
Evolve is really a hit-or-miss mechanic, that could easily go over- or underpowered, just like Cipher. The problem with Cipher isn't the mechanic - it's a marvellous idea which could be very good if done right - it's the cards. When the best card with a mechanic is a mediocre common (Hands of Binding), you know something's wrong.
That's not the case with Evolve. There are only two Evolving creatures that I'd never play (looking at you, Clinging Anemones and Simic Fluxmage), and all the rest are fantastic.
With amazing rares - this, Simic Manipulator and especially Gyre Sage - and great un/commons, Evolve is still my favorite mechanic. Stay awesome, and I hope we see more of that in Dragon's Maze!
Posted By: Todris052 (3/24/2013 1:17:09 AM)


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